Documentation and Files

Including design files, board schematics, code, and manuals/datasheets

Project Proposal

Initial project proposal outlining electrical subsystems as well as project goals.

Proposal Presentation

Initial proposal presentation outlining project function and goals.

High Level Design

High level design overview detailing the functions of each subsystem and their integration into the hybrid vehicle.

Final Report

Final report detailing original plans, accomplishments, and future work.

2022 Code

MPLAB X Code for work on the Hybrid Car in 2022.

Board Design Files

Eagle Board design files for Motherboard Redesign, Relay Board, and EFL Noise Circuit.

SAE Rules 2022

SAE Rules for 2022.

Manuals and Datasheets for 2019-2022

Manuals and Datasheets for system reference from the 2019 Team to the 2022 team.