Feb 4, 2015
Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 2/4/2015
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Maggie McGonigle
Minutes: Anthony Ngyuen
Attendees: Sam Flores, Eric Jesse, Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Ngyuen, Prof. Mike Schafer
- Discuss Individual Assignments and Current Status
- Memory Storage
- LCD Touch Screen
- Hall Effect Sensors & Temperature Sensors
- Discuss Microcontroller
- Discuss and Assign Action Items
- Reminder of deadlines (next: February 16th)
Baja II Senior Design Meeting Minutes
Date: February 4, 2015
Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Maggie McGonigle
Minutes: Anthony Nguyen
Attendees: Sam Flores, Anthony Nguyen, Prof. Mike Schafer, Eric Jesse, Maggie McGonigle
Memory storage
- Easier to use FTDI parts
- Test the status bits or interrupt flag to tell when reading and writing is done
- The interrupt flag can be tested without enabling the bit
- Enabling the bit will cause an interrupt to occur
- Use SPI decode mode to see what is happening
Touch Screen
- Software needs to recognize when button is pressed
- There is a document online that describes the commands given to the display
- Rather than decode C++, try putting things on the display and see if the board can be written to
- Serial version looks harder to write to the screen and will need to send definitions over seriallink
- It is easier to define an object and then send serial commands where to display
- Serial Version could be better
- Due to weather, unable to work on GPS
- Significant hours planned to work on this week
- Same objectives and action items as last week
Hall Effect sensors
- T1CK is input to Timer1
- Easier to count every second rather than using interrupts
- Can’t use same timer for counting and timing
- Need to use TimerA to count external event
- T1CON used in TimerA
- Notes are on Sakai but are a work in progress
Action Items:
- Sam – Figure out SPI
- Eric – Figure out Genie and how to program with it
- Anthony – Test temperature code and figure out TimerA
- Maggie – Same as last week
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