Jan 19, 2015


Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 1/19/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Sam Flores
Minutes: Eric Jesse
Attendees: Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Ngyuen
                      Eric Jesse, Prof. Mike Schafer

  1. Discuss Upcoming Deadlines
    1. Low Level Design and Design Review I – Feb. 16
      1. All major subsystems must be functioning and functional
    2. Design Review II -  March 23
      1. All subsystems must work together
      2. Board must be designed and ready to order
      3. Sections 4, 5, and 6 of final documentation must be done
    3. Pre-demo Demo – by April 27th
      1. Show that system meets slated design requirement
    4. Demo and Documentation of Working Prototype – May 1 (1-5pm)
      1. Working Demo
      2. Final Documentation Complete
  2. Discuss HLD feedback
    1. Document on Dropbox
  3. Discuss  Subsystems & Parts needed
    1. RPM & MPH
    2. GPS
    3. Temperature sensors
    4. Saving/loading Data
    5. Touch panel
  4. Discuss and Assign Action Items


Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 1/19/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Sam Flores
Minutes: Eric Jesse
Attendees: Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Ngyuen
                      Eric Jesse, Prof. Mike Schafer

Subsystem Assignment List:






















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