Jan 26, 2015


Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 1/26/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Eric Jesse
Minutes: Maggie McGonigle
Attendees: Sam Flores, Eric Jesse, Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Ngyuen, Prof. Mike Schafer

  1. Discuss Individual Assignments and Current Status
    1. Memory Storage
    2. LCD Touch Screen
    3. GPS
    4. Hall Effect Sensors & Temperature Sensors
  2. Discuss any other purchases that still need to be made and order them if possible
    1. Temperature sensor
    2. Microcontroller discussion
  3. Discuss and Assign Action Items
    1. Connecting to the board or reading the device
    2. Discuss possibility of code being written
    3. Reminder of deadlines (next: February 16th)


Baja II Senior Design Meeting Minutes
Date: January 26, 2015
Time: 12:30-2:00pm
Location:  Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Eric Jesse
Minutes: Maggie McGonigle
Attendees: Sam Flores, Anthony Ngyuen, Prof. Mike Schafer

Memory storage

Touch Screen


Hall Effect sensors

Concerns: Wiring and stability of the set up. Board set up to facilitate connectors rather than solder


Action Items:




















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