Jan 26, 2015
Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 1/26/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Eric Jesse
Minutes: Maggie McGonigle
Attendees: Sam Flores, Eric Jesse, Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Ngyuen, Prof. Mike Schafer
- Discuss Individual Assignments and Current Status
- Memory Storage
- LCD Touch Screen
- Hall Effect Sensors & Temperature Sensors
- Discuss any other purchases that still need to be made and order them if possible
- Temperature sensor
- Microcontroller discussion
- Discuss and Assign Action Items
- Connecting to the board or reading the device
- Discuss possibility of code being written
- Reminder of deadlines (next: February 16th)
Baja II Senior Design Meeting Minutes
Date: January 26, 2015
Time: 12:30-2:00pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Eric Jesse
Minutes: Maggie McGonigle
Attendees: Sam Flores, Anthony Ngyuen, Prof. Mike Schafer
Memory storage
- Write and read cycle times
- EEPROM byte by byte, Flash in chunks
- Sample times
- GPS once/second
- RPM fastest sampling time
- Consider the difference between display sample times and record sample times
- Long sample time should mitigate concerns about write times
- Microchip compatible with SPI
- Need microcontroller USB capable
- Calculate the total memory needed?
- Schafer has a flash chip that we can use for testing
- Need to order a new part for final design?
- Quick calculations suggest 16 megabits should be OK
Touch Screen
- Software should be preloaded into the screen
- Downloaded the library
- Needs to work in C not C++
- Function to put a gauge on the screen
- Don’t use the library from the screen manufacturer
- NMEA Sentences vs Binary…
- Binary = less parsing
- NMEA is in ASCII
- Binary looks likes the better option
- Data through the UART to microprocessor and then to the data storage
- Look into feeding GPS location data to google maps
- After the fact
- Write some basic analysis functions?
- Display speed
- Time, Lap time?
- Lap time calculated w/ operator pressed button on the LCD Screen
Hall Effect sensors
- Found one with higher operating range
- Responds to both magnetic polarity
- Good temperature range
- CVT Temp range = 0-120F
- How to mount the sensor?
- Voltage to Temp. conversions
- Separate counters for the engine and wheel RPM
Concerns: Wiring and stability of the set up. Board set up to facilitate connectors rather than solder
- Postponed to Wednesday (?)– not critical to discuss until we get to board design.
- For now, utilize the kit board to test and understand subsystems
Action Items:
- Sam – Code for the different memories, prototype Flash memory
- Eric – figure out how to connect the LCD
- Anthony – Code for the RPM sensor, and order new sensors
- Maggie – get functional GPS binary mode…
- Use UART to send the commands to set Binary
- 3.3V part – don’t blow it up
- Default to get all of the NMEA sentences
- SPI pin and UART pins
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