Mar 2, 2015
Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 3/2/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Maggie McGonigle
Minutes: Anthony Nguyen
Attendees: Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Nguyen, Sam Flores, Eric Jesse, Prof. Mike Schafer
MZ Board
- LCD screen won’t be easy to change depending on the library used
- If the SPI is the same on both the MX and MZ, then only need to map the pins correctly
- On the MX we are using SPI3 and pin D0 so guess it’s the same as on the MZ
- To make library work, we need to get MOSI and MISO mapped
- Whatever pin on MOSI on the MX, we must map the same way onto the MZ
- Same goes for MISO and UART
- Schematic will go on Sakai
Flow Meter
- Design for it and if the board is useful, the team can add it later
- Would need a voltage divider to get to 5V
- Reflection may be an option
- Looking for stronger magnets
LCD Screen
- Screen is going well
- Serial number for bigger one is 43PT
- Successfully got the GPS to work in binary
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