Apr 20, 2015


Baja II Senior Design Meeting
Date: 4/20/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Anthony Nguyen
Minutes: Sam Flores
Attendees: Sam Flores, Eric Jesse, Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Nguyen, Prof. Mike Schafer

  1. Discuss what’s needed to finish out overall system for demo
    1. Remaining problems
    2. Number of Screens to set up
    3. Set up time to test with board this weekend
  2. Discuss Poster
    1. Deadline May 2
  3. Discuss Web Page
  4. Discuss Documentation
    1. Deadline May 2
  5. Assign action items
    1. Making components work with new board
    2. Soldering components on
    3. Documentation parts


Baja II Senior Design Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/20/15
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: Stinson Remick 207
Meeting Leader: Sam Flores
Minutes: Eric Jesse
Attendees: Maggie McGonigle, Anthony Ngyuen
                      Eric Jesse, Prof. Mike Schafer

Action Items:
Integrated updated LCD code with main software
Complete Documentation, Website and Poster
Design and Print Case to hold system
Order any needed parts
Work on assembling board when it comes in




















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