
Software Main Code (With kit-board)


* File:   Final695Board_Main.c

* Author: S. Flores, M. Mcgonigle, E. Jesse, A. Nguyen


* Created on February 8, 2015, 8:09 PM



#include <xc.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/attribs.h>

#include "configbitsrev2014vC.h"

#include "TouchScreenIDs.h"


/*Interrupt Flag*/

#define GPSFlag IFS0bits.U1RXIF


/*SPI4 Chip Select*/

#define CS_High LATBbits.LATB8 = 1;

#define CS_Low LATBbits.LATB8 = 0;


/*Global Variables*/

   //GPS Module

   unsigned char Sentence[35];

   unsigned char Message[35];

   int Mode;

   unsigned char Ck_a=0;

   unsigned char Ck_b=0;

   unsigned int Complete=0;

   unsigned int i;

   unsigned long Time;

   unsigned long TimeStart;

   unsigned char Time_Hour;

   unsigned char Time_Minute;

   unsigned char Time_Second;


   //LCD Module

   unsigned char ACK;

   unsigned char OBJ_ID;

   unsigned char OBJ_Index;

   unsigned long LapTime = 0;

   unsigned char LapHours = 0;

   unsigned char LapMinutes = 0;

   unsigned char LapSeconds = 0;

   char LapHoursString[50];

   char LapMinutesString[50];

   char LapSecondsString[50];

   char TimeString[250];

   int LapTimeCount = 0;

   int Racing = 0;

   int Testing = 0;


   //Save Module

   int Save = 0;

   int Clear = 0;

   int Download = 0;


/*Function Prototypes*/

   //GPS Functions

   void Initialize_UART1(unsigned long Rate);

   unsigned char GetUART1(void);

   void PutUART1(unsigned char Value);

   void Send_Command (unsigned char* GPS_Signal, int Length);

   unsigned long Assign(unsigned int Index);


   //Temperature Functions

   void Initialize_A2D(void);

   unsigned short A2D_Convert(void);

   void Initialize_Timer1(void);


   //LCD Functions

   void serialinitLCD(unsigned long baudrate);

   unsigned char setLCDvalue(char device[], unsigned char value);

   unsigned char setLCDtext(char device[], char text[]);

   void putLCD(unsigned char input);

   unsigned char getLCD(void);


   //Save Module

   void Initialize_SPI4(void);

   unsigned char SPI_Send(unsigned char Command);

   void Chip_Setup(void);

   void Chip_Clear(void);

   void SPI_Wait(unsigned char Command);


   //Download Module

   void Initialize_UART6(unsigned long Rate);

   void PutUART6(unsigned char Value);

   unsigned char GetUART6(void);


//define interrupt service routine

void __ISR(49, IPL7AUTO) ButtonPressHandle(void){


   unsigned char temp;



   OBJ_ID = 0x00;


   if (ACK != 0x06){








   if(OBJ_Index == 0x09){


       if(LapTimeCount == 0){

           LapTime = TimeStart/10;



           LapTime = Time/10;



       LapHours = (LapTime/1000000);

       LapMinutes = (LapTime -((LapHours)*1000000))/10000;

       LapSeconds = (LapTime - ((LapHours)*1000000)-(LapMinutes*10000))/100;






       if(LapTimeCount > 0){



















   else if(OBJ_Index == 0x08){

       Save = 1-Save;

       Racing = 1;

       Testing = 0;


   else if(OBJ_Index == 0x0A){

       Save = 1-Save;

       Racing = 0;

       Testing = 1;


   else if(OBJ_ID == Form){

       Download = 1;




   IFS2bits.U4RXIF = 0; //Reset interrupt flag




void __ISR(24,IPL5AUTO) GPSinterrupt(void){

   unsigned char UARTChar1;


   UARTChar1 = GetUART1();

   GPSFlag = 0;


   switch (Mode){

       case 0: //Check for preamble byte 1

           if (UARTChar1 == 0xD0){

               Mode = 1;



               Mode = 0;



       case 1://Check for preamble byte 2

           if (UARTChar1 == 0xDD){

               Ck_a = 0;

               Ck_b = 0;

               Mode = 2;




               Mode = 0;




       case 2://Check for payload

           if (UARTChar1 == 0x20){

               Ck_a = Ck_a + UARTChar1;

               Ck_b = Ck_b + Ck_a;

               i = 0;

               Mode = 3;



               Mode = 0;



       case 3://Store Data


           Sentence[i] = UARTChar1;

           Ck_a = Ck_a + UARTChar1;

           Ck_b = Ck_b + Ck_a;


           if (i == 32){

               Mode = 4;



       case 4://Confirm checksum 1

           if (Ck_a == UARTChar1){

               Mode = 5;



               Mode = 0;



       case 5://Confirm checksum 2

           if (Ck_b == UARTChar1){

               Complete = 1;



           Mode = 0;



           Mode = 0;






int main() {


   /*Declare Module Variables*/


       //GPS Module

       unsigned char Binary_Mode[] = "$PGCMD,16,0,0,0,0,0*6A\r\n";

       unsigned char Check_Response = 0;

       unsigned long Latitude;

       unsigned long Longitude;

       unsigned long GroundSpeed;

       unsigned long Heading;

       unsigned long Date;

       unsigned char Fix;

       int FirstRun = 0;


       //Temperature Module

       unsigned short Temperature = 0;


       //RPM Module

       unsigned short RPM1Old = 0;

       unsigned short RPM1New = 0;

       unsigned short RPM1 = 0;


       //LCD Module

       unsigned char Speed = 0;


       //Save Module

       int j = 0;

       unsigned char SPI_Read = 0;

       unsigned short Records = 0;

       unsigned long SaveAddressValue = 0;

       unsigned char High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char Low_Byte = 0;


       //Download Module

       unsigned long DownloadAddressValue = 0;

       unsigned char Records_High = 0;

       unsigned char Records_Low = 0;

       unsigned char Begin_Read = 0;

       unsigned char RPM1_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char RPM1_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Temp_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Temp_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Speed_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Speed_Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char Speed_Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char Speed_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Lat_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Lat_Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char Lat_Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char Lat_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Long_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Long_Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char Long_Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char Long_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Date_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Date_Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char Date_Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char Date_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Time_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char Time_Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char Time_Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char Time_Low_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char LapTime_High_Byte = 0;

       unsigned char LapTime_Mid_Byte1 = 0;

       unsigned char LapTime_Mid_Byte2 = 0;

       unsigned char LapTime_Low_Byte = 0;


   /*Initialize Modules*/


       //GPS Module


       Send_Command(Binary_Mode, 24);


       //Temperature Module



       //RPM Module






       //Save Module



       //Download Module



   /*Enable Interrupts*/

       //enable multivector interrupts



       //GPS Module




       IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;


       //LCD Module




       //Enable Global Interrupts



       //Save = 1;

       Clear = 1;


   while (1){




           FirstRun = 1;

           LapTimeCount = 0;








                   Clear = 0;

                   Complete = 0;

                   TMR1 = 0;

                   Records = 0;

                   SaveAddressValue = 0x05;









                   /*Get Data*/

                   //GPS Module

                   GroundSpeed = Assign(15);

                   Latitude = Assign(3);

                   Longitude = Assign(7);

                   Date = Assign(25);

                   Time = Assign(29);

                   Fix = Sentence[219];



                       TimeStart = Time;

                       FirstRun = 0;



                   GroundSpeed = (float)GroundSpeed * 2.23694;


                   //Temperature Module

                   Temperature = A2D_Convert();


                   //RPM Module


                   RPM1New = TMR1;

                   if(RPM1New < RPM1Old){

                       RPM1 = (65000-RPM1Old+RPM1New)*15;


                   RPM1 = (RPM1New - RPM1Old)*15;


                   RPM1Old = RPM1New;



                   /*Display Data*/

                  /* if(Racing){




                   else if(Testing){

                    */   setLCDvalue("TEMP",Temperature-50);





                   Complete = 0;

                   //TMR1 = 0;


                   /*Write Data to Memory*/

                    //Enable Write





                   //initiate auto address increment and write RPM



                   SPI_Send(SaveAddressValue >> 16);

                   SPI_Send(SaveAddressValue >>8);


                   High_Byte = RPM1 >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = RPM1;







                   //Continue auto address increment and write temperature



                   High_Byte = Temperature >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = Temperature;







                   //Continue auto address incremtn and write speed



                   High_Byte = GroundSpeed >> 24;

                   Mid_Byte1 = GroundSpeed >> 16;









                   Mid_Byte2 = GroundSpeed >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = GroundSpeed;







                   //Continue auto address increment and write fix









                   //Continue auto address increment and write latitude



                   High_Byte = Latitude >> 24;

                   Mid_Byte1 = Latitude >> 16;









                   Mid_Byte2 = Latitude >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = Latitude;







                   //Continue auto address increment and write longitude



                   High_Byte = Longitude >> 24;

                   Mid_Byte1 = Longitude >> 16;









                   Mid_Byte2 = Longitude >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = Longitude;







                   //Continue auto adresss increment and write date



                   High_Byte = Date >> 24;

                   Mid_Byte1 = Date >> 16;









                   Mid_Byte2 = Date >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = Date;







                   //Continue auto address increment and write time



                   High_Byte = Time >> 24;

                   Mid_Byte1 = Time >> 16;









                   Mid_Byte2 = Time >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = Time;







                   //Continue auto address increment and write lap time



                   High_Byte = LapTime >> 24;

                   Mid_Byte1 = LapTime >> 16;









                   Mid_Byte2 = LapTime >> 8;

                   Low_Byte = LapTime;







                   //Disable write







                   //Update address value and number of records

                   SaveAddressValue = SaveAddressValue + 30;

                   Records = Records + 1;


               }//Complete If Loop

           }//Save While Loop


           /*Store number of records in memory*/


           //Write Enable


           SPI_Send(0x06); //write enable



           //initiate auto adress increment and write Records






           High_Byte = Records >> 8;

           Low_Byte = Records;







           //Disable write






      }//Save If Loop





          /*Read number of records to dosnload from memory*/

           DownloadAddressValue = 0x02;




           SPI_Send(DownloadAddressValue >> 16);

           SPI_Send(DownloadAddressValue >> 8);


           Records_High = SPI_Send(0x00);

           Records_High = SPI_Send(0x00);

           Records_Low = SPI_Send(0x00);



           /*Send number of records to pc*/




           /*Get full value of records for For loop*/

           Records = (Records | (unsigned char) Records_High) << 8;

           Records = Records | Records_Low;


           DownloadAddressValue = 0x05;


           /*Begin Download*/


               for(i = 0; i<Records;i=i+1){

                   /*Initialize Variables*/

                   RPM1 = 0;

                   Temperature = 0;

                   GroundSpeed = 0;

                   Fix = 0;

                   Latitude = 0;

                   Longitude = 0;

                   Date = 0;

                   Time = 0;

                   LapTime = 0;


                   /*retrieve 1 record's worth of data bits*/



                   SPI_Send(DownloadAddressValue >> 16);

                   SPI_Send(DownloadAddressValue >> 8);


                   RPM1_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   RPM1_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   RPM1_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Temp_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Temp_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Speed_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Speed_Mid_Byte1 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Speed_Mid_Byte2 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Speed_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Fix = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Fix = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Lat_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Lat_Mid_Byte1 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Lat_Mid_Byte2 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Lat_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Long_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Long_Mid_Byte1 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Long_Mid_Byte2 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Long_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Date_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Date_Mid_Byte1 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Date_Mid_Byte2 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Date_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Time_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Time_Mid_Byte1 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Time_Mid_Byte2 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   Time_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   LapTime_High_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   LapTime_Mid_Byte1 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   LapTime_Mid_Byte2 = SPI_Send(0x00);

                   LapTime_Low_Byte = SPI_Send(0x00);



                   /*send RPM*/




                   /*send temperature*/




                   /*send speed*/






                   /*Send fix */



                   /*send latitude*/






                   /*send longitude*/






                   /*send date*/






                   /*send time*/






                   /*send lap time*/






                    /*update new download address*/

                   DownloadAddressValue = DownloadAddressValue + 30;


               }//Records For Loop


               Download = 0;


           }//Download While Loop

      }//Download If Loop

   }//Main While Loop


   return (EXIT_SUCCESS);



void Initialize_UART1(unsigned long rate){ //function that is the functional equivalent of serial_init()

   U1STA = 0;

   U1MODE = 0;

   U1TXREG = 0;

   U1RXREG = 0;

   unsigned long FPBclock;

   FPBclock = 10000000; //get the periferial bus clock rate

   U1BRG = floor((FPBclock/(4*rate))-1); // calculate U1BRG

   U1MODEbits.BRGH = 1; //High frequency

   U1STAbits.URXEN = 1; //Enable recieve bit

   U1STAbits.UTXEN = 1; //Enable transmit bit

   U1MODEbits.ON = 1; //Enable UART



unsigned char GetUART1(void){

    char Letter;



    Letter = U1RXREG;


    return Letter;




void PutUART1(unsigned char Value){


    U1TXREG = Value;



void Send_Command (unsigned char* GPS_Signal, int Length)


    int Ctr;

    int Strlen = Length;//sizeof(gps_signal);

    for(Ctr = 0; Ctr < Strlen; Ctr++){






unsigned long Assign(unsigned int Index)


    unsigned long Variable;

    Variable = Sentence[Index];

    Variable = (Variable << 8) + Sentence[Index-1];

    Variable = (Variable << 8) + Sentence[Index-2];

    Variable = (Variable << 8) + Sentence[Index-3];

    return Variable;



void Initialize_A2D(void){

   AD1PCFG = 0x05; //Make B4 analog

   TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 1; //set B4 to input

   AD1CON1bits.FORM = 0 ; //output is unsigned integer

   AD1CON3bits.ADCS = 3; //select AN4 as channel

   AD1CON1bits.ON = 1;



unsigned short A2D_Convert(void){

   unsigned short Value = 0;

   unsigned short Scaled_Value = 0;


   AD1CHSbits.CH0SA = 4; //Select channel

   AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1; //Initiatie sampling


   AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0; //Terminate sampling


   Value = ADC1BUF0;


   Scaled_Value = Value * (3300/1023);

   Scaled_Value = (((Scaled_Value - 500)/10))*9/5 + 37;


   return Scaled_Value;




void Initialize_Timer1(void){

   T1CONbits.ON = 0;

   T1CONbits.TCS = 1;

   T1CONbits.TSYNC = 0;

   T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0;

   T1CONbits.TWDIS = 0;

   TMR1 = 0x00;

   PR1 = 65000;


   TRISCbits.TRISC14 = 1; //set pin for sensor as input

   T1CONbits.ON = 1;



void serialinitLCD(unsigned long baudrate){











   unsigned long pbclk=10000000;

   U4BRG=(pbclk/(4*baudrate) - 1);


   //INTCONbits.MVEC=1; //Enable multivector interrupts

   //asm("ei"); //Enable interrupts globally





unsigned char setLCDvalue(char device[], unsigned char value){

   unsigned char CMD=WRITE_OBJ, LOC1, LOC2, MSB, LSB, CKSUM;

   LSB = value; //(0xFF) & (value);

   MSB = 0x00;//(0xFF) & (value >> 8);


   if (strcmp(device,"RPM")==0){

       LOC1 = Coolgauge;


       CKSUM = CMD ^ LOC1 ^ LOC2 ^ MSB ^ LSB;









       CKSUM = CMD ^ LOC1 ^ LOC2 ^ MSB ^ LSB;








   } else if (strcmp(device,"MPH")==0){

       LOC1 = Coolgauge;


       CKSUM = CMD ^ LOC1 ^ LOC2 ^ MSB ^ LSB;









       CKSUM = CMD ^ LOC1 ^ LOC2 ^ MSB ^ LSB;








   } else if (strcmp(device,"TEMP")==0){

       LOC1 = Thermometer;

       LOC2 = 0;

       CKSUM = CMD ^ LOC1 ^ LOC2 ^ MSB ^ LSB;









   return ACK;




unsigned char setLCDtext(char device[], char text[]){


   int i;

   if (strcmp(device, "Download")==0) STR_INDEX = 0;

   else if (strcmp(device,"Time")==0) STR_INDEX = 1;

   STR_LENGTH = (unsigned char)strlen(text);






   for (i=0; i<strlen(text); i++){


       CKSUM = CKSUM ^ text[i];




   return ACK;




void putLCD(unsigned char input){

   while (U4STAbits.UTXBF==1);





unsigned char getLCD(void){

   while (U4STAbits.URXDA==0);

   return U4RXREG;



void Initialize_SPI4(void){

   int ClearedData;


   AD1PCFGbits.PCFG8 = 1; //set signal pin to digital I/O

   DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0; //disable JTAG


   ClearedData = SPI4BUF; //clear receive buffer


   SPI4CON = 0; //reset spi module


   SPI4CONbits.CKE = 0; //set clock edge

   SPI4CONbits.CKP = 1; //set clock polarity

   SPI4CONbits.SMP = 1; //set sample phase


   SPI4CONbits.MSTEN = 1; //enable master mode

   SPI4STATbits.SPIROV = 0; //clear overflow bit


   SPI4BRG = 0; //set baude rate (Fsck = 5 MHz, Fpb = 10MHz)


   TRISBbits.TRISB8 = 0; //set CS pin as output



   SPI4CONbits.ON = 1; //enable SPI



unsigned char SPI_Send(unsigned char Command){

   unsigned char Receive_Data;


   SPI4BUF = Command;


   while(!IFS1bits.SPI4RXIF); //wait until complete

   IFS1bits.SPI4RXIF = 0; //clear interrupt flag


   Receive_Data = SPI4BUF;

   return Receive_Data;



void Chip_Setup(void){

   unsigned char SPI_Read = 0;


   //disable any previous AAI write





   //Read Chip ID






   SPI_Read = SPI_Send(0x00);

   SPI_Read = SPI_Send(0x00);



   //Make Chip Writeable


   SPI_Send(0x50); //enable register writing




   SPI_Send(0x01); //write to register

   SPI_Send(0x00); //unprotect all memory area




   SPI_Send(0x05); //read register

   SPI_Read = SPI_Send(0x00); //Read response




void Chip_Clear(void){

   unsigned char SPI_Read = 0;


    //Clear Chip


       SPI_Send(0x06); //write enable




       SPI_Send(0x60); //clear chip





void SPI_Wait(unsigned char Command){

   unsigned char SPI_Read = 0;




   SPI_Read = SPI_Send(0x00);

   SPI_Read = SPI_Send(0x00);

   while(SPI_Read != Command){

       SPI_Read = SPI_Send(0x00);





void Initialize_UART6(unsigned long Rate){ //function that is the functional equivalent of serial_init()

   U6STA = 0;

   U6MODE = 0;

   U6TXREG = 0;

   U6RXREG = 0;

   unsigned long FPBclock;

   FPBclock = 10000000;

   U6BRG = floor((FPBclock/(4*Rate)-1)); // calculate U6BRG

   U6MODEbits.ON = 1; //Enable UART

   U6MODEbits.BRGH = 1; //High frequency

   U6STAbits.URXEN = 1; //Enable recieve bit

   U6STAbits.UTXEN = 1; //Enable transmit bit




 void PutUART6(unsigned char Value){


    U6TXREG = Value;



unsigned char GetUART6(void){

   unsigned char Received_Data;


   while(!U6STAbits.URXDA); //wait until register is filled

   Received_Data = U6RXREG; //grab data

   return Received_Data;



Appendix F: Configuration Bits Header File



* File:   configbits.h

* Author: Mike


* Created on October 9, 2012, 1:50 PM







* REv 8 boards.

* resonator is 8 MHz

* Will switch to internal if external not present or fails

*  internal (FRC) clock


peripher clock = at 10 MHz (80 MHz/8)




#pragma config FNOSC = PRIPLL // Oscillator selection

#pragma config POSCMOD = HS // Primary oscillator mode

#pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_5 // PLL input divider (20 -> 4)

#pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_20 // PLL multiplier  ( 4x20 = 80)

#pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1 // PLL output divider

#pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_8 // Peripheral bus clock divider 10 mhz

#pragma config FSOSCEN = OFF // Secondary oscillator enable

/* Clock control settings


#pragma config IESO = ON // Internal/external clock switchover

#pragma config FCKSM = CSECME // Clock switching (CSx)/Clock monitor (CMx)

#pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF // Clock output on OSCO pin enable

/* USB Settings


#pragma config UPLLEN = OFF // USB PLL enable

#pragma config UPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // USB PLL input divider

#pragma config FVBUSONIO = OFF // VBUS pin control

#pragma config FUSBIDIO = OFF // USBID pin control

/* Other Peripheral Device settings


#pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog timer enable

#pragma config WDTPS = PS1024 // Watchdog timer post-scaler

#pragma config FSRSSEL = PRIORITY_7 // SRS interrupt priority

#pragma config DEBUG = ON


#pragma config ICESEL = ICS_PGx1 // ICE pin selection

#endif /* CONFIGBITS_H */


Appendix G: LCD Screen Touch IDS



* File:   TouchScreenIDs.h

* Author: Eric


* Created on February 25, 2015, 3:02 PM







#define READ_OBJ 0x00

#define WRITE_OBJ 0x01

#define WRITE_STR 0x02

#define WRITE_STRU 0x03

#define WRITE_CONTRAST 0x04

#define REPORT_OBJ 0x05

#define REPORT_EVENT 0x07



#define LCD_ACK 0x06

#define LCD_NAK 0x15


//Object IDs

#define Dipswitch 0

#define Knob 1

#define Rockerswitch 2

#define Rotaryswitch 3

#define Slider 4

#define Trackbar 5

#define Winbutton 6

#define Angularmeter 7

#define Coolgauge 8

#define Customdigits 9

#define Form 10 //Used to set the current form

#define Gauge 11

#define Image 12 //Displayed as part of form, no method to alter

#define Keyboard 13 //Keyboard inputs are always single bytes and are unsolicited

#define Led 14

#define Leddigits 15

#define Meter 16

#define Strings 17

#define Thermometer 18

#define Userled 19

#define Video 20

#define Statictext 21 //Displayed as part of form, no method to alter

#define Sound 22

#define Timer 23

#define Spectrum 24

#define Scope 25

#define Tank 26

#define UserImages 27

#define PinOutput 28

#define PinInput 29

#define Button4D 30

#define AniButton 31

#define ColorPicker 32

#define UserButton 33






















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