/** * \file * * \brief SAM RTC Driver (Count Mode) * * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ /* * Support and FAQ: visit Microchip Support */ #ifndef RTC_COUNT_H_INCLUDED #define RTC_COUNT_H_INCLUDED /** * \defgroup asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_group SAM RTC Count (RTC COUNT) Driver * * This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides * an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Real Time * Clock functionality in Count operating mode, for the configuration and * retrieval of the current RTC counter value. The following driver API modes * are covered by this manual: * * - Polled APIs * \if RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_MODE * - Callback APIs * \endif * * The following peripheral is used by this module: * - RTC (Real Time Clock) * * The following devices can use this module: * - Atmel | SMART SAM D20/D21 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R21 * - Atmel | SMART SAM D09/D10/D11 * - Atmel | SMART SAM L21/L22 * - Atmel | SMART SAM DA1 * - Atmel | SMART SAM C20/C21 * - Atmel | SMART SAM HA1 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R30 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R34 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R35 * * The outline of this documentation is as follows: * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_prerequisites * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_overview * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_special_considerations * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_info * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_examples * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_api_overview * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_prerequisites Prerequisites * * There are no prerequisites for this module. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_overview Module Overview * * The RTC module in the SAM devices is a 32-bit counter, with a 10-bit * programmable prescaler. Typically, the RTC clock is run continuously, * including in the device's low-power sleep modes, to track the current time * and date information. The RTC can be used as a source to wake up the system * at a scheduled time or periodically using the alarm functions. * * In this driver, the RTC is operated in Count mode. This allows for an * easy integration of an asynchronous counter into a user application, which is * capable of operating while the device is in sleep mode. * * Whilst operating in Count mode, the RTC features: * - 16-bit counter mode * - Selectable counter period * - Up to six configurable compare values * - 32-bit counter mode * - Clear counter value on match * - Up to four configurable compare values * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_features Driver Feature Macro Definition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Driver Feature MacroSupported devices
* \note The specific features are only available in the driver when the * selected device supports those features. * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_overview_compares Compare and Overflow * The RTC can be used with up to 4/6 compare values (depending on selected * operation mode). These compare values will trigger on match with the current * RTC counter value, and can be set up to trigger an interrupt, event, or both. * The RTC can also be configured to clear the counter value on compare match * in 32-bit mode, resetting the count value back to zero. * * If the RTC is operated without the Clear on Match option enabled, or in * 16-bit mode, the RTC counter value will instead be cleared on overflow once * the maximum count value has been reached: * * \f[ COUNT_{MAX} = 2^{32}-1 \f] for 32-bit counter mode, and * \f[ COUNT_{MAX} = 2^{16}-1 \f] for 16-bit counter mode. * * When running in 16-bit mode, the overflow value is selectable with a period * value. The counter overflow will then occur when the counter value reaches * the specified period value. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_overview_periodic Periodic Events * The RTC can generate events at periodic intervals, allowing for direct * peripheral actions without CPU intervention. The periodic events can be * generated on the upper eight bits of the RTC prescaler, and will be generated on * the rising edge transition of the specified bit. The resulting periodic * frequency can be calculated by the following formula: * * \f[ f_{PERIODIC}=\frac{f_{ASY}}{2^{n+3}} \f] * * Where \f$f_{ASY}\f$ refers to the \e asynchronous clock is set up in the RTC * module configuration. The \b n parameter is the event source generator index * of the RTC module. If the asynchronous clock is operated at the recommended * frequency of 1KHz, the formula results in the values shown in * \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_rtc_hz "the table below". * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_rtc_hz * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RTC Event Frequencies for Each Prescaler Bit Using a 1KHz Clock
n Periodic event
7 1Hz
6 2Hz
5 4Hz
4 8Hz
3 16Hz
2 32Hz
1 64Hz
0 128Hz
* * \note The connection of events between modules requires the use of the * \ref asfdoc_sam0_events_group "SAM Event System (EVENTS) Driver" * to route output event of one module to the the input event of another. * For more information on event routing, refer to the event driver * documentation. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_overview_correction Digital Frequency Correction * The RTC module contains Digital Frequency Correction logic to compensate for * inaccurate source clock frequencies which would otherwise result in skewed * time measurements. The correction scheme requires that at least two bits * in the RTC module prescaler are reserved by the correction logic. As a * result of this implementation, frequency correction is only available when * the RTC is running from a 1Hz reference clock. * * The correction procedure is implemented by subtracting or adding a single * cycle from the RTC prescaler every 1024 RTC GCLK cycles. The adjustment is * applied the specified number of time (maximum 127) over 976 of these periods. The * corresponding correction in PPM will be given by: * * \f[ Correction(PPM) = \frac{VALUE}{999424}10^6 \f] * * The RTC clock will tick faster if provided with a positive correction value, * and slower when given a negative correction value. * * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_module_overview_tamper_detect RTC Tamper Detect * see \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_tamper_detect * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_special_considerations Special Considerations * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_special_considerations_clock Clock Setup * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_clock_samd_r SAM D20/D21/R21/D10/D11/DA1/HA1 Clock Setup * The RTC is typically clocked by a specialized GCLK generator that has a * smaller prescaler than the others. By default the RTC clock is on, selected * to use the internal 32KHz RC-oscillator with a prescaler of 32, giving a * resulting clock frequency of 1KHz to the RTC. When the internal RTC * prescaler is set to 1024, this yields an end-frequency of 1Hz. * * The implementer also has the option to set other end-frequencies. * \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_rtc_out_freq "The table below" lists the * available RTC frequencies for each possible GCLK and RTC input prescaler * options. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_rtc_out_freq * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RTC Output Frequencies from Allowable Input Clocks
End-frequencyGCLK prescalerRTC prescaler
* * The overall RTC module clocking scheme is shown in * \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_rtc_clock_fig "the figure below". * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_rtc_clock_fig * \dot * digraph clocking_scheme { * rankdir=LR; * GCLK [shape="record", label=" GCLK | RTC_GCLK", * bgcolor="lightgray", style="filled"]; * RTCPRE [shape="record" label=" RTC | RTC PRESCALER"]; * RTC [shape="record", label=" RTC | RTC CLOCK"]; * * GCLK:f1 -> RTCPRE:f1; * RTCPRE:f1 -> RTC:f1; * } * \enddot * * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_clock_saml SAM L21/C20/C21/R30 Clock Setup * The RTC clock can be selected from OSC32K, XOSC32K, or OSCULP32K, and a 32KHz * or 1KHz oscillator clock frequency is required. This clock must be * configured and enabled in the 32KHz oscillator controller before using the RTC. * * The table below lists the available RTC clock \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_rtc_clk. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_rtc_clk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RTC Clocks Source
RTC clock frequencyClock sourceDescription
1.024KHzULP1K1.024KHz from 32KHz internal ULP oscillator
32.768KHzULP32K32.768KHz from 32KHz internal ULP oscillator
1.024KHzOSC1K1.024KHz from 32KHz internal oscillator
32.768KHzOSC32K32.768KHz from 32KHz internal oscillator
1.024KHzXOSC1K1.024KHz from 32KHz internal oscillator
32.768KHzXOSC32K32.768KHz from 32KHz external crystal oscillator
* * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_info Extra Information * * For extra information, see \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra. This includes: * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_acronyms * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_dependencies * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_errata * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_history * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_examples Examples * * For a list of examples related to this driver, see * \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_exqsg. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_api_overview API Overview * @{ */ #include #include #if RTC_COUNT_ASYNC == true # include #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \name Driver Feature Definition * * Define port features set according to different device family. * @{ */ #if (SAML21) || (SAML22) || (SAMC20) || (SAMC21) || (SAMR30) || (SAMR34) || (SAMR35) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** RTC periodic interval interrupt. */ # define FEATURE_RTC_PERIODIC_INT /** RTC prescaler is off. */ # define FEATURE_RTC_PRESCALER_OFF /** RTC clock selection. */ # define FEATURE_RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION # if !(SAMC20) && !(SAMC21) /** General purpose registers. */ # define FEATURE_RTC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_REG # endif #else /** RTC continuously updated. */ # define FEATURE_RTC_CONTINUOUSLY_UPDATED #endif #if (SAML22) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** RTC tamper detection. */ # define FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION #endif /*@}*/ #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION /** * \brief Available clock source for RTC. * RTC clock source. */ enum rtc_clock_sel { /** 1.024KHz from 32KHz internal ULP oscillator */ RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION_ULP1K = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_ULP1K_Val, /** 32.768KHz from 32KHz internal ULP oscillator */ RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION_ULP32K = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_ULP32K_Val, #if !(SAML22) /** 1.024KHz from 32KHz internal oscillator */ RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION_OSC1K = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_OSC1K_Val, /** 32.768KHz from 32KHz internal oscillator */ RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION_OSC32K = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_OSC32K_Val, #endif /** 1.024KHz from 32KHz external oscillator */ RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION_XOSC1K = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_XOSC1K_Val, /** 32.768KHz from 32.768KHz external crystal oscillator */ RTC_CLOCK_SELECTION_XOSC32K = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_XOSC32K_Val, }; #endif /** * \brief Available operation modes for the RTC. * * RTC Count operating modes, to select the counting width and associated module * operation. */ enum rtc_count_mode { /** RTC Count module operates in 16-bit mode */ RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT = 0, /** RTC Count module operates in 32-bit mode */ RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT = 1, }; #if !defined (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16) && defined(RTC_COMP16_NUM) #define RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 RTC_COMP16_NUM #endif /** * \brief Available compare channels. * * \note Not all compare channels are available in all devices and modes. */ enum rtc_count_compare { /** Compare channel 0 */ RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_0 = 0, #if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 1) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Compare channel 1 */ RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_1 = 1, #endif #if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 2) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Compare channel 2 */ RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_2 = 2, #endif #if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 3) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Compare channel 3 */ RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_3 = 3, #endif #if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 4) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Compare channel 4 */ RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_4 = 4, #endif #if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 5) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Compare channel 5 */ RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_5 = 5, #endif }; #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PERIODIC_INT /** * \brief Available periodic interval source. */ enum rtc_count_periodic_interval{ /** Periodic interval 0 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_0 = 0, /** Periodic interval 1 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_1 = 1, /** Periodic interval 2 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_2 = 2, /** Periodic interval 3 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_3 = 3, /** Periodic interval 4 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_4 = 4, /** Periodic interval 5 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_5 = 5, /** Periodic interval 6 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_6 = 6, /** Periodic interval 7 */ RTC_COUNT_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_7 = 7, }; #endif #if RTC_COUNT_ASYNC == true #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PERIODIC_INT /** * \brief Callback types. * * The available callback types for the RTC count module. */ enum rtc_count_callback { /** Callback for Periodic Interval 0 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_0 = 0, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 1 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_1, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 2 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_2, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 3 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_3, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 4 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_4, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 5 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_5, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 6 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_6, /** Callback for Periodic Interval 7 Interrupt */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_7, /** Callback for compare channel 0 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_0, # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 1) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 1 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_1, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 2) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 2 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_2, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 3) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 3 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_3, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 4) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 4 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_4, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 5) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 5 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_5, # endif #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION /** Callback for tamper */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_TAMPER, #endif /** Callback for overflow */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_OVERFLOW, # if !defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Total number of callbacks */ _RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_N # endif }; #else /** * \brief Callback types. * * The available callback types for the RTC count module. */ enum rtc_count_callback { /** Callback for compare channel 0 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_0 = 0, # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 1) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 1 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_1, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 2) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 2 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_2, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 3) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 3 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_3, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 4) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 4 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_4, # endif # if (RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16 > 5) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Callback for compare channel 5 */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_COMPARE_5, # endif #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION /** Callback for tamper */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_TAMPER, #endif /** Callback for overflow */ RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_OVERFLOW, # if !defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** Total number of callbacks */ _RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_N # endif }; #endif # if !defined(__DOXYGEN__) typedef void (*rtc_count_callback_t)(void); # endif #endif #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PRESCALER_OFF /** * \brief RTC input clock prescaler settings. * * The available input clock prescaler values for the RTC count module. */ enum rtc_count_prescaler { /** RTC prescaler is off, and the input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_OFF = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_OFF, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_1 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV1, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 2 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_2 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV2, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 4 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_4 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV4, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 8 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_8 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV8, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 16 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_16 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV16, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 32 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_32 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV32, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 64 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_64 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV64, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 128 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_128 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV128, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 256 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_256 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV256, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 512 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_512 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV512, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1024 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_1024 = RTC_MODE0_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV1024, }; #else /** * \brief RTC input clock prescaler settings. * * The available input clock prescaler values for the RTC count module. */ enum rtc_count_prescaler { /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_1 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV1, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 2 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_2 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV2, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 4 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_4 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV4, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 8 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_8 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV8, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 16 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_16 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV16, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 32 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_32 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV32, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 64 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_64 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV64, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 128 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_128 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV128, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 256 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_256 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV256, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 512 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_512 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV512, /** RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1024 */ RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_1024 = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV1024, }; #endif /** * \brief RTC Count event enable/disable structure. * * Event flags for the \ref rtc_count_enable_events() and * \ref rtc_count_disable_events(). */ struct rtc_count_events { /** Generate an output event on each overflow of the RTC count */ bool generate_event_on_overflow; /** Generate an output event on a compare channel match against the RTC * count */ bool generate_event_on_compare[RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16]; /** Generate an output event periodically at a binary division of the RTC * counter frequency */ bool generate_event_on_periodic[8]; #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION /** Generate an output event on every tamper input */ bool generate_event_on_tamper; /** Tamper input event and capture the COUNT value */ bool on_event_to_tamper; #endif }; #if !defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** * \brief Device structure. */ struct rtc_module { /** RTC hardware module */ Rtc *hw; /** Operation mode of count */ enum rtc_count_mode mode; #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_CONTINUOUSLY_UPDATED /** Set if counter value should be continuously updated */ bool continuously_update; #endif # if RTC_COUNT_ASYNC == true /** Pointers to callback functions */ volatile rtc_count_callback_t callbacks[_RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_N]; /** Mask for registered callbacks */ volatile uint16_t registered_callback; /** Mask for enabled callbacks */ volatile uint16_t enabled_callback; # endif }; #endif /** * \brief RTC Count configuration structure. * * Configuration structure for the RTC instance. This structure should * be initialized using the \ref rtc_count_get_config_defaults() before any * user configurations are set. */ struct rtc_count_config { /** Input clock prescaler for the RTC module */ enum rtc_count_prescaler prescaler; /** Select the operation mode of the RTC */ enum rtc_count_mode mode; /** If true, clears the counter value on compare match. Only available * whilst running in 32-bit mode */ bool clear_on_match; #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_CONTINUOUSLY_UPDATED /** Continuously update the counter value so no synchronization is * needed for reading */ bool continuously_update; #endif #if (SAML21XXXB) || (SAML22) || (SAMC20) || (SAMC21) || (SAMR30) || (SAMR34) || (SAMR35) /** Enable count read synchronization. The COUNT value requires * synchronization when reading. Disabling the synchronization * will prevent the COUNT value from displaying the current value. */ bool enable_read_sync; #endif /** Array of Compare values. Not all Compare values are available in 32-bit * mode */ uint32_t compare_values[RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16]; }; /** * \name Configuration and Initialization * @{ */ /** * \brief Gets the RTC default configurations. * * Initializes the configuration structure to default values. This * function should be called at the start of any RTC initialization. * * The default configuration is: * - Input clock divided by a factor of 1024 * - RTC in 32-bit mode * - Clear on compare match off * - Continuously sync count register off * - No event source on * - All compare values equal 0 * - Count read synchronization is enabled for SAM L22 * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to be initialized to default * values */ static inline void rtc_count_get_config_defaults( struct rtc_count_config *const config) { /* Sanity check argument */ Assert(config); /* Set default into configuration structure */ config->prescaler = RTC_COUNT_PRESCALER_DIV_1024; config->mode = RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT; config->clear_on_match = false; #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_CONTINUOUSLY_UPDATED config->continuously_update = false; #endif #if (SAML21XXXB) || (SAML22) || (SAMC20) || (SAMC21) || (SAMR30) || (SAMR34) || (SAMR35) config->enable_read_sync = true; #endif for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16; i++) { config->compare_values[i] = 0; } } void rtc_count_reset(struct rtc_module *const module); void rtc_count_enable(struct rtc_module *const module); void rtc_count_disable(struct rtc_module *const module); #if (RTC_INST_NUM > 1) && !defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** * \internal Find the index of given RTC module instance. * * \param[in] RTC module instance pointer * * \return Index of the given AC module instance. */ uint8_t _rtc_get_inst_index( Rtc *const hw) { /* List of available RTC modules */ static Rtc *const rtc_modules[RTC_INST_NUM] = RTC_INSTS; /* Find index for RTC instance */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RTC_INST_NUM; i++) { if (hw == rtc_modules[i]) { return i; } } /* Invalid data given */ Assert(false); return 0; } #endif /* (RTC_INST_NUM > 1) && !defined(__DOXYGEN__) */ enum status_code rtc_count_init( struct rtc_module *const module, Rtc *const hw, const struct rtc_count_config *const config); enum status_code rtc_count_frequency_correction( struct rtc_module *const module, const int8_t value); /** @} */ /** \name Count and Compare Value Management * @{ */ enum status_code rtc_count_set_count( struct rtc_module *const module, const uint32_t count_value); uint32_t rtc_count_get_count(struct rtc_module *const module); enum status_code rtc_count_set_compare( struct rtc_module *const module, const uint32_t comp_value, const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index); enum status_code rtc_count_get_compare( struct rtc_module *const module, uint32_t *const comp_value, const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index); enum status_code rtc_count_set_period( struct rtc_module *const module, uint16_t period_value); enum status_code rtc_count_get_period( struct rtc_module *const module, uint16_t *const period_value); /** @} */ /** \name Status Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Check if an RTC overflow has occurred. * * Checks the overflow flag in the RTC. The flag is set when there * is an overflow in the clock. * * \param[in,out] module RTC hardware module * * \return Overflow state of the RTC module. * * \retval true If the RTC count value has overflowed * \retval false If the RTC count value has not overflowed */ static inline bool rtc_count_is_overflow(struct rtc_module *const module) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; /* Return status of flag */ return (rtc_module->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg & RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_OVF); } /** * \brief Clears the RTC overflow flag. * * Clears the RTC module counter overflow flag, so that new overflow conditions * can be detected. * * \param[in,out] module RTC hardware module */ static inline void rtc_count_clear_overflow(struct rtc_module *const module) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; /* Clear OVF flag */ rtc_module->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg = RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_OVF; } #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PERIODIC_INT /** * \brief Check if an RTC periodic interval interrupt has occurred. * * Checks the periodic interval flag in the RTC. * * \param[in,out] module RTC hardware module * \param[in] n RTC periodic interval interrupt * * \return Periodic interval interrupt state of the RTC module. * * \retval true RTC periodic interval interrupt occurs * \retval false RTC periodic interval interrupt doesn't occur */ static inline bool rtc_count_is_periodic_interval(struct rtc_module *const module, enum rtc_count_periodic_interval n) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; /* Return status of flag */ return (rtc_module->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg & RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_PER(1 << n)); } /** * \brief Clears the RTC periodic interval flag. * * Clears the RTC module counter periodic interval flag, so that new periodic * interval conditions can be detected. * * \param[in,out] module RTC hardware module * \param[in] n RTC periodic interval interrupt */ static inline void rtc_count_clear_periodic_interval(struct rtc_module *const module, enum rtc_count_periodic_interval n) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; /* Clear periodic interval flag */ rtc_module->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg = RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_PER(1 << n); } #endif bool rtc_count_is_compare_match( struct rtc_module *const module, const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index); enum status_code rtc_count_clear_compare_match( struct rtc_module *const module, const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index); /** @} */ /** * \name Event Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Enables an RTC event output. * * Enables one or more output events from the RTC module. See * \ref rtc_count_events for a list of events this module supports. * * \note Events cannot be altered while the module is enabled. * * \param[in,out] module RTC hardware module * \param[in] events Struct containing flags of events to enable */ static inline void rtc_count_enable_events( struct rtc_module *const module, struct rtc_count_events *const events) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; uint32_t event_mask = 0; /* Check if the user has requested an overflow event */ if (events->generate_event_on_overflow) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_OVFEO; } /* Check if the user has requested any compare events */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16; i++) { if (events->generate_event_on_compare[i]) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_CMPEO(1 << i); } } /* Check if the user has requested any periodic events */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (events->generate_event_on_periodic[i]) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_PEREO(1 << i); } } #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION /* Check if the user has requested a tamper event output. */ if (events->generate_event_on_tamper) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_TAMPEREO; } /* Check if the user has requested a tamper event input. */ if (events->on_event_to_tamper) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_TAMPEVEI; } #endif /* Enable given event(s). */ rtc_module->MODE0.EVCTRL.reg |= event_mask; } /** * \brief Disables an RTC event output. * * Disabled one or more output events from the RTC module. See * \ref rtc_count_events for a list of events this module supports. * * \note Events cannot be altered while the module is enabled. * * \param[in,out] module RTC hardware module * \param[in] events Struct containing flags of events to disable */ static inline void rtc_count_disable_events( struct rtc_module *const module, struct rtc_count_events *const events) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; uint32_t event_mask = 0; /* Check if the user has requested an overflow event */ if (events->generate_event_on_overflow) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_OVFEO; } /* Check if the user has requested any compare events */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16; i++) { if (events->generate_event_on_compare[i]) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_CMPEO(1 << i); } } /* Check if the user has requested any periodic events */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (events->generate_event_on_periodic[i]) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_PEREO(1 << i); } } #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION /* Check if the user has requested a tamper event output. */ if (events->generate_event_on_tamper) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_TAMPEREO; } /* Check if the user has requested a tamper event input. */ if (events->on_event_to_tamper) { event_mask |= RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL_TAMPEVEI; } #endif /* Disable given event(s). */ rtc_module->MODE0.EVCTRL.reg &= ~event_mask; } /** @} */ #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_REG /** * \name RTC General Purpose Registers * @{ */ /** * \brief Write a value into general purpose register. * * \param[in] module Pointer to the software instance struct * \param[in] n General purpose type * \param[in] index General purpose register index (0..3) * */ static inline void rtc_write_general_purpose_reg( struct rtc_module *const module, const uint8_t index, uint32_t value) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Assert(index <= 3); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; rtc_module->MODE0.GP[index].reg = value; } /** * \brief Read the value from general purpose register. * * \param[in] module Pointer to the software instance struct * \param[in] index General purpose register index (0..3) * * \return Value of general purpose register. */ static inline uint32_t rtc_read_general_purpose_reg( struct rtc_module *const module, const uint8_t index) { /* Sanity check arguments */ Assert(module); Assert(module->hw); Assert(index <= 3); Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw; return rtc_module->MODE0.GP[index].reg; } /** @} */ #endif #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_TAMPER_DETECTION #include "rtc_tamper.h" /** * \brief Get the tamper stamp value. * * \param[in,out] module Pointer to the software instance struct * * \return The current tamper stamp value as a 32-bit unsigned integer. */ uint32_t rtc_tamper_get_stamp (struct rtc_module *const module); #endif /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** * \page asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra Extra Information for RTC COUNT Driver * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_acronyms Acronyms * Below is a table listing the acronyms used in this module, along with their * intended meanings. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Acronym * Description *
RTCReal Time Counter
PPMPart Per Million
* * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_dependencies Dependencies * This driver has the following dependencies: * * - None * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_errata Errata * There are no errata related to this driver. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_extra_history Module History * An overview of the module history is presented in the table below, with * details on the enhancements and fixes made to the module since its first * release. The current version of this corresponds to the newest version in * the table. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Added support for SAM C21
Added support for SAM L21/L22
Added support for SAM R30
Added support for RTC tamper feature
* Added driver instance parameter to all API function calls, except * get_config_defaults *
* Updated initialization function to also enable the digital interface * clock to the module if it is disabled *
Initial Release
*/ /** * \page asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_exqsg Examples for RTC (COUNT) Driver * * This is a list of the available Quick Start guides (QSGs) and example * applications for \ref asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_group. QSGs are simple * examples with step-by-step instructions to configure and use this driver in a * selection of use cases. Note that a QSG can be compiled as a standalone * application or be added to the user application. * * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_basic_use_case * \if RTC_COUNT_CALLBACK_MODE * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_callback_use_case * \endif * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_rtc_tamper_dma_use_case * * \page asfdoc_sam0_rtc_count_document_revision_history Document Revision History * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Doc. Rev.DateComments
42111E12/2015Added support for SAM L21/L22, SAM C21, SAM D09, SAMR30/R34 and SAM DA1
42111D12/2014Added support for SAM R21 and SAM D10/D11
42111C01/2014Added support for SAM D21
42111B06/2013Added additional documentation on the event system. Corrected * documentation typos.
42111A06/2013Initial release
*/ #endif /* RTC_COUNT_H_INCLUDED */