/** * \file * * \brief SAM R30 Clock Driver * * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ /* * Support and FAQ: visit Microchip Support */ #ifndef SYSTEM_CLOCK_FEATURE_H_INCLUDED #define SYSTEM_CLOCK_FEATURE_H_INCLUDED #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \defgroup asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_group SAM System Clock Management (SYSTEM CLOCK) Driver * * This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration * and management of the device's clocking related functions. This includes * the various clock sources, bus clocks, and generic clocks within the device, * with functions to manage the enabling, disabling, source selection, and * prescaling of clocks to various internal peripherals. * * The following peripherals are used by this module: * * - GCLK (Generic Clock Management) * - PM (Power Management) * - OSCCTRL (Oscillators Controller) * - OSC32KCTRL (32K Oscillators Controller) * - MCLK (Main Clock) * * The following devices can use this module: * - Atmel | SMART SAM R30 * * The outline of this documentation is as follows: * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_prerequisites * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_special_considerations * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_info * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_examples * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_api_overview * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_prerequisites Prerequisites * * There are no prerequisites for this module. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview Module Overview * The SAM devices contain a sophisticated clocking system, which is designed * to give the maximum flexibility to the user application. This system allows * a system designer to tune the performance and power consumption of the device * in a dynamic manner, to achieve the best trade-off between the two for a * particular application. * * This driver provides a set of functions for the configuration and management * of the various clock related functionalities within the device. * * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview_clock_sources Clock Sources * The SAM devices have a number of master clock source modules, each of * which being capable of producing a stabilized output frequency which can then * be fed into the various peripherals and modules within the device. * * Possible clock source modules include internal R/C oscillators, internal * DFLL modules, as well as external crystal oscillators and/or clock inputs. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview_cpu_clock CPU / Bus Clocks * The CPU and AHB/APBx buses are clocked by the same physical clock source * (referred in this module as the Main Clock). * The CPU and bus clocks are divided into a number of clock domains. Each clock domain can * run at different frequencies. * * There are three clock domains: * * - CPU Clock Domain * - Low Power Clock Domain(LP Clock Domain) * - Backup Clock Domain(BUP Clock Domain) * * Each clock domain (CPU, LP, BUP) can be changed on the fly. To ensure * correct operation, frequencies must be selected so that BUPDIV ≥ LPDIV ≥ HSDIV. * Also, frequencies must never exceed the specified maximum frequency for each clock domain. * A module may be connected to several clock domains (for instance, AHB and APB). * * The general main clock tree for the CPU and associated buses is shown in * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_clock_tree "the figure below". * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_clock_tree * \dot * digraph overview { * rankdir=LR; * clk_src [label="Clock Sources", shape=none, height=0]; * node [label="CPU Bus" shape=ellipse] cpu_bus; * node [label="AHB Bus" shape=ellipse] ahb_bus; * node [label="APBx Bus" shape=ellipse] apb_bus; * node [label="Main Bus\nPrescaler" shape=square] main_prescaler; * node [label="CPU Clock\nPrescaler" shape=square] cpu_prescaler; * node [label="Low Power Clock\nPrescaler" shape=square] low_power_prescaler; * node [label="Backup clock\nPrescaler" shape=square] backup_prescaler; * node [label="", shape=polygon, sides=4, distortion=0.6, orientation=90, style=filled, fillcolor=black, height=0.9, width=0.2] main_clock_mux; * * clk_src -> main_clock_mux; * main_clock_mux -> main_prescaler; * main_prescaler -> cpu_prescaler; * main_prescaler -> low_power_prescaler; * main_prescaler -> backup_prescaler; * cpu_prescaler -> cpu_bus; * cpu_prescaler -> ahb_bus; * cpu_prescaler -> apb_bus; * low_power_prescaler -> ahb_bus; * low_power_prescaler -> apb_bus; * backup_prescaler -> apb_bus; * } * \enddot * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview_clock_masking Clock Masking * To save power, the input clock to one or more peripherals on the AHB and APBx * buses can be masked away. When masked, no clock is passed into the module. * Disabling of clocks of unused modules will prevent all access to the masked * module, but will reduce the overall device power consumption. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview_gclk Generic Clocks * Within the SAM devices are a number of Generic Clocks; these are used to * provide clocks to the various peripheral clock domains in the device in a * standardized manner. One or more master source clocks can be selected as the * input clock to a Generic Clock Generator, which can prescale down the input * frequency to a slower rate for use in a peripheral. * * Additionally, a number of individually selectable Generic Clock Channels are * provided, which multiplex and gate the various generator outputs for one or * more peripherals within the device. This setup allows for a single common * generator to feed one or more channels, which can then be enabled or disabled * individually as required. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_chain_overview * \dot * digraph overview { * rankdir=LR; * node [label="Clock\nSource a" shape=square] system_clock_source; * node [label="Generator n" shape=square] clock_gen; * node [label="Channel x" shape=square] clock_chan0; * node [label="Channel y" shape=square] clock_chan1; * node [label="Peripheral x" shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] peripheral0; * node [label="Peripheral y" shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] peripheral1; * * system_clock_source -> clock_gen; * clock_gen -> clock_chan0; * clock_chan0 -> peripheral0; * clock_gen -> clock_chan1; * clock_chan1 -> peripheral1; * } * \enddot * * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_chain_example Clock Chain Example * An example setup of a complete clock chain within the device is shown in * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_chain_example_fig "the figure below". * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_chain_example_fig * \dot * digraph overview { * rankdir=LR; * node [label="External\nOscillator" shape=square] system_clock_source0; * node [label="Generator 0" shape=square] clock_gen0; * node [label="Channel x" shape=square] clock_chan0; * node [label="Core CPU" shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] peripheral0; * * system_clock_source0 -> clock_gen0; * clock_gen0 -> clock_chan0; * clock_chan0 -> peripheral0; * node [label="16MHz R/C\nOscillator (OSC16M)" shape=square fillcolor=white] system_clock_source1; * node [label="Generator 1" shape=square] clock_gen1; * node [label="Channel y" shape=square] clock_chan1; * node [label="Channel z" shape=square] clock_chan2; * node [label="SERCOM\nModule" shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] peripheral1; * node [label="Timer\nModule" shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] peripheral2; * * system_clock_source1 -> clock_gen1; * clock_gen1 -> clock_chan1; * clock_gen1 -> clock_chan2; * clock_chan1 -> peripheral1; * clock_chan2 -> peripheral2; * } * \enddot * * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview_gclk_generators Generic Clock Generators * Each Generic Clock generator within the device can source its input clock * from one of the provided Source Clocks, and prescale the output for one or * more Generic Clock Channels in a one-to-many relationship. The generators * thus allow for several clocks to be generated of different frequencies, * power usages, and accuracies, which can be turned on and off individually to * disable the clocks to multiple peripherals as a group. * * \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_module_overview_gclk_channels Generic Clock Channels * To connect a Generic Clock Generator to a peripheral within the * device, a Generic Clock Channel is used. Each peripheral or * peripheral group has an associated Generic Clock Channel, which serves as the * clock input for the peripheral(s). To supply a clock to the peripheral * module(s), the associated channel must be connected to a running Generic * Clock Generator and the channel enabled. * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_special_considerations Special Considerations * * There are no special considerations for this module. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_info Extra Information * * For extra information, see \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra. This includes: * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_acronyms * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_dependencies * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_errata * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_history * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_examples Examples * * For a list of examples related to this driver, see * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_exqsg. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_api_overview API Overview * @{ */ #include #include /** * \brief Available start-up times for the XOSC32K. * * Available external 32KHz oscillator start-up times, as a number of external * clock cycles. */ enum system_xosc32k_startup { /** Wait 2048 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_2048, /** Wait 4096 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_4096, /** Wait 16384 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_16384, /** Wait 32768 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_32768, /** Wait 65536 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_65536, /** Wait 131072 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_131072, /** Wait 262144 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_262144, }; /** * \brief Available start-up times for the XOSC. * * Available external oscillator start-up times, as a number of external clock * cycles. */ enum system_xosc_startup { /** Wait one clock cycle until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_1, /** Wait two clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_2, /** Wait four clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_4, /** Wait eight clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_8, /** Wait 16 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_16, /** Wait 32 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_32, /** Wait 64 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_64, /** Wait 128 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_128, /** Wait 256 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_256, /** Wait 512 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_512, /** Wait 1024 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_1024, /** Wait 2048 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_2048, /** Wait 4096 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_4096, /** Wait 8192 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_8192, /** Wait 16384 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_16384, /** Wait 32768 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_32768, }; /** * \brief Available start-up times for the OSC32K. * * Available internal 32KHz oscillator start-up times, as a number of internal * OSC32K clock cycles. */ enum system_osc32k_startup { /** Wait three clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_3, /** Wait four clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_4, /** Wait six clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_6, /** Wait ten clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_10, /** Wait 18 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_18, /** Wait 34 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_34, /** Wait 66 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_66, /** Wait 130 clock cycles until the clock source is considered stable */ SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_130, }; /** * \brief Frequency selection for the internal 16MHz system clock. * * Available frequency selection for the internal 16MHz (nominal) system clock. */ enum system_osc16m_fsel { /** Frequency Selection 4MHz */ SYSTEM_OSC16M_4M, /** Frequency Selection 8MHz */ SYSTEM_OSC16M_8M, /** Frequency Selection 12MHz */ SYSTEM_OSC16M_12M, /** Frequency Selection 16MHz */ SYSTEM_OSC16M_16M, }; /** * \brief Main CPU, Lowpower and Backup clock division. * * Available division ratios for the CPU and Lowpower and Backup clocks. */ enum system_main_clock_div { /** Divide Main clock by one */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_1, /** Divide Main clock by two */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_2, /** Divide Main clock by four */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_4, /** Divide Main clock by eight */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_8, /** Divide Main clock by 16 */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_16, /** Divide Main clock by 32 */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_32, /** Divide Main clock by 64 */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_64, /** Divide Main clock by 128 */ SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_128, }; /** * \brief External clock source types. * * Available external clock source types. */ enum system_clock_external { /** The external clock source is a crystal oscillator */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL, /** The connected clock source is an external logic level clock signal */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_EXTERNAL_CLOCK, }; /** * \brief Operating modes of the DFLL clock source. * * Available operating modes of the DFLL clock source module. */ enum system_clock_dfll_loop_mode { /** The DFLL is operating in open loop mode with no feedback */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_LOOP_MODE_OPEN, /** The DFLL is operating in closed loop mode with frequency feedback from * a low frequency reference clock */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_LOOP_MODE_CLOSED = OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_MODE, #ifdef OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_USBCRM /** The DFLL is operating in USB recovery mode with frequency feedback * from USB SOF */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_LOOP_MODE_USB_RECOVERY = OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_USBCRM, #endif }; /** * \brief Locking behavior for the DFLL during device wake-up. * * DFLL lock behavior modes on device wake-up from sleep. */ enum system_clock_dfll_wakeup_lock { /** Keep DFLL lock when the device wakes from sleep */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_WAKEUP_LOCK_KEEP, /** Lose DFLL lock when the devices wakes from sleep */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_WAKEUP_LOCK_LOSE = OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_LLAW, }; /** * \brief Fine tracking behavior for the DFLL once a lock has been acquired. * * DFLL fine tracking behavior modes after a lock has been acquired. */ enum system_clock_dfll_stable_tracking { /** Keep tracking after the DFLL has gotten a fine lock */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_STABLE_TRACKING_TRACK_AFTER_LOCK, /** Stop tracking after the DFLL has gotten a fine lock */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_STABLE_TRACKING_FIX_AFTER_LOCK = OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_STABLE, }; /** * \brief Chill cycle behavior of the DFLL module. * * DFLL chill cycle behavior modes of the DFLL module. A chill cycle is a period * of time when the DFLL output frequency is not measured by the unit, to allow * the output to stabilize after a change in the input clock source. */ enum system_clock_dfll_chill_cycle { /** Enable a chill cycle, where the DFLL output frequency is not measured */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_CHILL_CYCLE_ENABLE, /** Disable a chill cycle, where the DFLL output frequency is not measured */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_CHILL_CYCLE_DISABLE = OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_CCDIS, }; /** * \brief QuickLock settings for the DFLL module. * * DFLL QuickLock settings for the DFLL module, to allow for a faster lock of * the DFLL output frequency at the expense of accuracy. */ enum system_clock_dfll_quick_lock { /** Enable the QuickLock feature for looser lock requirements on the DFLL */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_QUICK_LOCK_ENABLE, /** Disable the QuickLock feature for strict lock requirements on the DFLL */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_QUICK_LOCK_DISABLE = OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRL_QLDIS, }; /** * \brief Available clock sources in the system. * * Clock sources available to the GCLK generators. */ enum system_clock_source { /** Internal 16MHz RC oscillator */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M = GCLK_SOURCE_OSC16M, /** Internal 32KHz RC oscillator */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC32K = GCLK_SOURCE_OSC32K, /** External oscillator */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_XOSC = GCLK_SOURCE_XOSC , /** External 32KHz oscillator */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_XOSC32K = GCLK_SOURCE_XOSC32K, /** Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL) */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DFLL = GCLK_SOURCE_DFLL48M, /** Internal Ultra Low Power 32KHz oscillator */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_ULP32K = GCLK_SOURCE_OSCULP32K, /** Generator input pad */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_GCLKIN = GCLK_SOURCE_GCLKIN, /** Generic clock generator one output */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_GCLKGEN1 = GCLK_SOURCE_GCLKGEN1, /** Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL = GCLK_SOURCE_FDPLL, }; /** * \brief List of APB peripheral buses. * * Available bus clock domains on the APB bus. */ enum system_clock_apb_bus { /** Peripheral bus A on the APB bus */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBA, /** Peripheral bus B on the APB bus */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBB, /** Peripheral bus C on the APB bus */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBC, /** Peripheral bus D on the APB bus */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBD, /** Peripheral bus E on the APB bus */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBE, }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for XOSC. * * External oscillator clock configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_xosc_config { /** External clock type */ enum system_clock_external external_clock; /** Crystal oscillator start-up time */ enum system_xosc_startup startup_time; /** Enable automatic amplitude gain control */ bool auto_gain_control; /** External clock/crystal frequency */ uint32_t frequency; /** Keep the XOSC enabled in standby sleep mode */ bool run_in_standby; /** Run On Demand. If this is set the XOSC won't run * until requested by a peripheral */ bool on_demand; }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for XOSC32K. * * External 32KHz oscillator clock configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_xosc32k_config { /** External clock type */ enum system_clock_external external_clock; /** Crystal oscillator start-up time */ enum system_xosc32k_startup startup_time; /** Enable 1KHz output */ bool enable_1khz_output; /** Enable 32KHz output */ bool enable_32khz_output; /** External clock/crystal frequency */ uint32_t frequency; /** Keep the XOSC32K enabled in standby sleep mode */ bool run_in_standby; /** Run On Demand. If this is set the XOSC32K won't run * until requested by a peripheral */ bool on_demand; /** Lock configuration after it has been written, * a device reset will release the lock */ bool write_once; }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for OSC16M. * * Internal 16MHz (nominal) oscillator configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_osc16m_config { /** Internal 16MHz RC oscillator prescaler */ enum system_osc16m_fsel fsel; /** Keep the OSC16M enabled in standby sleep mode */ bool run_in_standby; /** Run On Demand. If this is set the OSC16M won't run * until requested by a peripheral */ bool on_demand; }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for OSCULP32K. * * Internal 32KHz Ultra Low Power oscillator configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_osculp32k_config { /** Lock configuration after it has been written, * a device reset will release the lock */ bool write_once; }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for OSCULP32K. * * Internal 32KHz oscillator configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_osc32k_config { /** Start-up time */ enum system_osc32k_startup startup_time; /** Enable 1KHz output */ bool enable_1khz_output; /** Enable 32KHz output */ bool enable_32khz_output; /** Keep the OSC32K enabled in standby sleep mode */ bool run_in_standby; /** Run On Demand. If this is set the OSC32K won't run * until requested by a peripheral */ bool on_demand; /** Lock configuration after it has been written, * a device reset will release the lock */ bool write_once; }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for DFLL. * * DFLL oscillator configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_dfll_config { /** Loop mode */ enum system_clock_dfll_loop_mode loop_mode; /** Run On Demand. If this is set the DFLL won't run * until requested by a peripheral */ bool on_demand; /** Run in stanby*/ bool run_in_stanby; /** Enable quick lock */ enum system_clock_dfll_quick_lock quick_lock; /** Enable chill cycle */ enum system_clock_dfll_chill_cycle chill_cycle; /** DFLL lock state on wakeup */ enum system_clock_dfll_wakeup_lock wakeup_lock; /** DFLL tracking after fine lock */ enum system_clock_dfll_stable_tracking stable_tracking; /** Coarse calibration value (Open loop mode) */ uint8_t coarse_value; /** Fine calibration value (Open loop mode) */ uint16_t fine_value; /** Coarse adjustment maximum step size (Closed loop mode) */ uint8_t coarse_max_step; /** Fine adjustment maximum step size (Closed loop mode) */ uint16_t fine_max_step; /** DFLL multiply factor (Closed loop mode) */ uint16_t multiply_factor; }; /** * \name External Oscillator Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for XOSC. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for an * external oscillator module: * - External Crystal * - Start-up time of 16384 external clock cycles * - Automatic crystal gain control mode disabled * - Frequency of 12MHz * - Don't run in STANDBY sleep mode * - Run when it's enabled (not on demand) * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_xosc_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_xosc_config *const config) { Assert(config); config->external_clock = SYSTEM_CLOCK_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL; config->startup_time = SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_16384; config->auto_gain_control = false; config->frequency = 12000000UL; config->run_in_standby = false; config->on_demand = false; } void system_clock_source_xosc_set_config( struct system_clock_source_xosc_config *const config); /** * @} */ /** * \name External 32KHz Oscillator Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for XOSC32K. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for an * external 32KHz oscillator module: * - External Crystal * - Start-up time of 16384 external clock cycles * - Automatic crystal gain control mode disabled * - Frequency of 32.768KHz * - 1KHz clock output disabled * - 32KHz clock output enabled * - Don't run in STANDBY sleep mode * - Run only when requested by peripheral (on demand) * - Don't lock registers after configuration has been written * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_xosc32k_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_xosc32k_config *const config) { Assert(config); config->external_clock = SYSTEM_CLOCK_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL; config->startup_time = SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_16384; config->frequency = 32768UL; config->enable_1khz_output = false; config->enable_32khz_output = true; config->run_in_standby = false; config->on_demand = true; config->write_once = false; } void system_clock_source_xosc32k_set_config( struct system_clock_source_xosc32k_config *const config); /** * @} */ /** * \name Internal 32KHz Oscillator Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for OSC32K. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for an * internal 32KHz oscillator module: * - 1KHz clock output enabled * - 32KHz clock output enabled * - Don't run in STANDBY sleep mode * - Run only when requested by peripheral (on demand) * - Set start-up time to 130 cycles * - Don't lock registers after configuration has been written * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_osc32k_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_osc32k_config *const config) { Assert(config); config->enable_1khz_output = true; config->enable_32khz_output = true; config->run_in_standby = false; config->on_demand = true; config->startup_time = SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_130; config->write_once = false; } void system_clock_source_osc32k_set_config( struct system_clock_source_osc32k_config *const config); /** * @} */ /** * \name Internal Ultra Low Power 32KHz Oscillator Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for OSCULP32K. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for an * internal Ultra Low Power 32KHz oscillator module: * - 1KHz clock output enabled * - 32KHz clock output enabled * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_osculp32k_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_osculp32k_config *const config) { Assert(config); config->write_once = false; } void system_clock_source_osculp32k_set_config( struct system_clock_source_osculp32k_config *const config); /** * @} */ /** * \name Internal 16MHz Oscillator Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for OSC16M. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for an * internal 16MHz (nominal) oscillator module: * - Clock output frequency select 4MHz * - Don't run in STANDBY sleep mode * - Run only when requested by peripheral (on demand) * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_osc16m_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_osc16m_config *const config) { Assert(config); config->fsel = SYSTEM_OSC16M_4M; config->run_in_standby = false; config->on_demand = true; } void system_clock_source_osc16m_set_config( struct system_clock_source_osc16m_config *const config); /** * @} */ /** * \name Internal DFLL Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for DFLL. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for a * DFLL oscillator module: * - Open loop mode * - QuickLock mode enabled * - Chill cycle enabled * - Output frequency lock maintained during device wake-up * - Continuous tracking of the output frequency * - Default tracking values at the mid-points for both coarse and fine * tracking parameters * - Don't run in STANDBY sleep mode * - Run only when requested by peripheral (on demand) * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_dfll_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_dfll_config *const config) { Assert(config); config->loop_mode = SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_LOOP_MODE_OPEN; config->quick_lock = SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_QUICK_LOCK_ENABLE; config->chill_cycle = SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_CHILL_CYCLE_ENABLE; config->wakeup_lock = SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_WAKEUP_LOCK_KEEP; config->stable_tracking = SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_STABLE_TRACKING_TRACK_AFTER_LOCK; config->on_demand = true; config->run_in_stanby = false; /* Open loop mode calibration value */ config->coarse_value = 0x1f / 4; /* Midpoint */ config->fine_value = 0xff / 4; /* Midpoint */ /* Closed loop mode */ config->coarse_max_step = 1; config->fine_max_step = 1; config->multiply_factor = 12; /* Multiply 4MHz by 12 to get 48MHz */ } void system_clock_source_dfll_set_config( struct system_clock_source_dfll_config *const config); /** * @} */ /** * \name Clock Source Management * @{ */ enum status_code system_clock_source_write_calibration( const enum system_clock_source system_clock_source, const uint16_t calibration_value, const uint8_t freq_range); enum status_code system_clock_source_enable( const enum system_clock_source system_clock_source); enum status_code system_clock_source_disable( const enum system_clock_source clk_source); bool system_clock_source_is_ready( const enum system_clock_source clk_source); uint32_t system_clock_source_get_hz( const enum system_clock_source clk_source); /** * @} */ /** * \name Main Clock Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Enable or disable the main clock failure detection. * * This mechanism allows switching automatically the main clock to the safe * RCSYS clock, when the main clock source is considered off. * * This may happen for instance when an external crystal is selected as the * clock source of the main clock and the crystal dies. The mechanism is to * detect, during a RCSYS period, at least one rising edge of the main clock. * If no rising edge is seen the clock is considered failed. * As soon as the detector is enabled, the clock failure detector * (CFD) will monitor the divided main clock. When a clock failure is detected, * the main clock automatically switches to the RCSYS clock and the CFD * interrupt is generated if enabled. * * \note The failure detect must be disabled if the system clock is the same or * slower than 32KHz as it will believe the system clock has failed with * a too slow clock. * * \param[in] enable Boolean \c true to enable, \c false to disable detection */ static inline void system_main_clock_set_failure_detect( const bool enable) { #ifdef MCLK_CTRLA_CFDEN if (enable) { MCLK->CTRLA.reg |= MCLK_CTRLA_CFDEN; } else { MCLK->CTRLA.reg &= ~MCLK_CTRLA_CFDEN; } #endif } /** * \brief Set main CPU clock divider. * * Sets the clock divider used on the main clock to provide the CPU clock. * * \param[in] divider CPU clock divider */ static inline void system_cpu_clock_set_divider( const enum system_main_clock_div divider) { MCLK->CPUDIV.reg = MCLK_CPUDIV_CPUDIV(1 << divider); } /** * \brief Set Low-Power Clock divider. * * Sets the clock divider used on the main clock to provide the CPU clock. * * \param[in] divider CPU clock divider to set */ static inline void system_low_power_clock_set_divider( const enum system_main_clock_div divider) { MCLK->LPDIV.reg = MCLK_LPDIV_LPDIV(1 << divider); } /** * \brief Set Backup Clock divider. * * Sets the clock divider used on the main clock to provide the CPU clock. * * \param[in] divider CPU clock divider */ static inline void system_backup_clock_set_divider( const enum system_main_clock_div divider) { MCLK->BUPDIV.reg = MCLK_BUPDIV_BUPDIV(1 << divider); } /** * \brief Retrieves the current frequency of the CPU core. * * Retrieves the operating frequency of the CPU core, obtained from the main * generic clock and the set CPU bus divider. * * \return Current CPU frequency in Hz. */ static inline uint32_t system_cpu_clock_get_hz(void) { return (system_gclk_gen_get_hz(GCLK_GENERATOR_0) / MCLK->CPUDIV.reg); } /** * \brief Retrieves the current frequency of Low-Power clock. * * Retrieves the operating frequency of Low-Power, obtained from Low-Power * clock and the set Low-Power clock divider. * * \return Current CPU frequency in Hz. */ static inline uint32_t system_low_power_clock_get_hz(void) { return (system_gclk_gen_get_hz(GCLK_GENERATOR_0) >> (MCLK->LPDIV.reg - 1)); } /** * \brief Retrieves the current frequency of backup clock. * * Retrieves the operating frequency of backup clock, obtained from backup * clock and the set backup clock divider. * * \return Current CPU frequency in Hz. */ static inline uint32_t system_backup_clock_get_hz(void) { return (system_gclk_gen_get_hz(GCLK_GENERATOR_0) >> (MCLK->BUPDIV.reg - 1)); } /** * @} */ /** * \name Bus Clock Masking * @{ */ /** * \brief Set bits in the clock mask for the AHB bus. * * This function will set bits in the clock mask for the AHB bus. * Any bits set to 1 will enable that clock, 0 bits in the mask * will be ignored * * \param[in] ahb_mask AHB clock mask */ static inline void system_ahb_clock_set_mask( const uint32_t ahb_mask) { MCLK->AHBMASK.reg |= ahb_mask; } /** * \brief Clear bits in the clock mask for the AHB bus. * * This function will clear bits in the clock mask for the AHB bus. * Any bits set to 1 will disable that clock, zero bits in the mask * will be ignored. * * \param[in] ahb_mask AHB clock mask */ static inline void system_ahb_clock_clear_mask( const uint32_t ahb_mask) { MCLK->AHBMASK.reg &= ~ahb_mask; } /** * \brief Set bits in the clock mask for an APBx bus. * * This function will set bits in the clock mask for an APBx bus. * Any bits set to 1 will enable the corresponding module clock, zero bits in * the mask will be ignored. * * \param[in] mask APBx clock mask, a \c SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBx constant from * the device header files * \param[in] bus Bus to set clock mask bits for, a mask of \c PM_APBxMASK_* * constants from the device header files * * \returns Status indicating the result of the clock mask change operation. * * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG Invalid bus given * \retval STATUS_OK The clock mask was set successfully */ static inline enum status_code system_apb_clock_set_mask( const enum system_clock_apb_bus bus, const uint32_t mask) { switch (bus) { case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBA: MCLK->APBAMASK.reg |= mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBB: MCLK->APBBMASK.reg |= mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBC: MCLK->APBCMASK.reg |= mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBD: MCLK->APBDMASK.reg |= mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBE: MCLK->APBEMASK.reg |= mask; break; default: Assert(false); return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } return STATUS_OK; } /** * \brief Clear bits in the clock mask for an APBx bus. * * This function will clear bits in the clock mask for an APBx bus. * Any bits set to 1 will disable the corresponding module clock, zero bits in * the mask will be ignored. * * \param[in] mask APBx clock mask, a \c SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBx constant from * the device header files * \param[in] bus Bus to clear clock mask bits * * \returns Status indicating the result of the clock mask change operation. * * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG Invalid bus ID was given * \retval STATUS_OK The clock mask was changed successfully */ static inline enum status_code system_apb_clock_clear_mask( const enum system_clock_apb_bus bus, const uint32_t mask) { switch (bus) { case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBA: MCLK->APBAMASK.reg &= ~mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBB: MCLK->APBBMASK.reg &= ~mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBC: MCLK->APBCMASK.reg &= ~mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBD: MCLK->APBDMASK.reg &= ~mask; break; case SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBE: MCLK->APBEMASK.reg &= ~mask; break; default: Assert(false); return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } return STATUS_OK; } /** * @} */ /** * \brief Reference clock source of the DPLL module. */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_reference_clock { /** Select XOSC32K as clock reference */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_REFERENCE_CLOCK_XOSC32K, /** Select XOSC as clock reference */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_REFERENCE_CLOCK_XOSC, /** Select GCLK as clock reference */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_REFERENCE_CLOCK_GCLK, }; /** * \brief Lock time-out value of the DPLL module. */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_lock_time { /** Set no time-out as default */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_DEFAULT, /** Set time-out if no lock within 8ms */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_8MS = 0x04, /** Set time-out if no lock within 9ms */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_9MS, /** Set time-out if no lock within 10ms */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_10MS, /** Set time-out if no lock within 11ms */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_11MS, }; /** * \brief Filter type of the DPLL module. */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_filter { /** Default filter mode */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_FILTER_DEFAULT, /** Low bandwidth filter */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_FILTER_LOW_BANDWIDTH_FILTER, /** High bandwidth filter */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_FILTER_HIGH_BANDWIDTH_FILTER, /** High damping filter */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_FILTER_HIGH_DAMPING_FILTER, }; /** * \brief DPLL Output Clock Prescaler. */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_prescaler { /** DPLL output is divided by 1 */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_DIV_1, /** DPLL output is divided by 2 */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_DIV_2, /** DPLL output is divided by 4 */ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_DIV_4, }; /** * \brief Configuration structure for DPLL. * * DPLL oscillator configuration structure. */ struct system_clock_source_dpll_config { /** Run On Demand. If this is set the DPLL won't run * until requested by a peripheral */ bool on_demand; /** Keep the DPLL enabled in standby sleep mode */ bool run_in_standby; /** Bypass lock signal */ bool lock_bypass; /** Wake up fast. If this is set DPLL output clock is enabled after * the start-up time */ bool wake_up_fast; /** Enable low power mode */ bool low_power_enable; /** Output frequency of the clock */ uint32_t output_frequency; /** Reference frequency of the clock */ uint32_t reference_frequency; /** Devider of reference clock */ uint16_t reference_divider; /** Filter type of the DPLL module */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_filter filter; /** Lock time-out value of the DPLL module */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_lock_time lock_time; /** Reference clock source of the DPLL module */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_reference_clock reference_clock; /** DPLL prescaler */ enum system_clock_source_dpll_prescaler prescaler; }; /** * \name Internal DPLL Management * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the default configuration for DPLL. * * Fills a configuration structure with the default configuration for a * DPLL oscillator module: * - Run only when requested by peripheral (on demand) * - Don't run in STANDBY sleep mode * - Lock bypass disabled * - Fast wake up disabled * - Low power mode disabled * - Output frequency is 48MHz * - Reference clock frequency is 32768Hz * - Not divide reference clock * - Select REF0 as reference clock * - Set lock time to default mode * - Use default filter * * \param[out] config Configuration structure to fill with default values */ static inline void system_clock_source_dpll_get_config_defaults( struct system_clock_source_dpll_config *const config) { config->on_demand = true; config->run_in_standby = false; config->lock_bypass = false; config->wake_up_fast = false; config->low_power_enable = false; config->output_frequency = 48000000; config->reference_frequency = 32768; config->reference_divider = 1; config->reference_clock = SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_REFERENCE_CLOCK_GCLK; config->prescaler = SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_DIV_1; config->lock_time = SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_DEFAULT; config->filter = SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_FILTER_DEFAULT; }; void system_clock_source_dpll_set_config( struct system_clock_source_dpll_config *const config); /* @} */ /** * \name System Clock Initialization * @{ */ void system_clock_init(void); /** * @} */ /** * \name System Flash Wait States * @{ */ /** * \brief Set flash controller wait states. * * Will set the number of wait states that are used by the onboard * flash memory. The number of wait states depend on both device * supply voltage and CPU speed. The required number of wait states * can be found in the electrical characteristics of the device. * * \param[in] wait_states Number of wait states to use for internal flash */ static inline void system_flash_set_waitstates(uint8_t wait_states) { Assert(NVMCTRL_CTRLB_RWS((uint32_t)wait_states) == ((uint32_t)wait_states << NVMCTRL_CTRLB_RWS_Pos)); NVMCTRL->CTRLB.bit.RWS = wait_states; } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra Extra Information for SYSTEM CLOCK Driver * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_acronyms Acronyms * Below is a table listing the acronyms used in this module, along with their * intended meanings. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DFLLDigital Frequency Locked Loop
MCLKMain Clock
OSC32KInternal 32KHz Oscillator
OSC16MInternal 16MHz Oscillator
PLLPhase Locked Loop
XOSCExternal Oscillator
XOSC32KExternal 32KHz Oscillator
AHBAdvanced High-performance Bus
APBAdvanced Peripheral Bus
DPLLDigital Phase Locked Loop
* * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_dependencies Dependencies * This driver has the following dependencies: * * - None * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_errata Errata * * - This driver implements experimental workaround for errata 9905 * * "The DFLL clock must be requested before being configured. Otherwise a * write access to a DFLL register can freeze the device." * This driver will enable and configure the DFLL before the ONDEMAND bit is set. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_extra_history Module History * An overview of the module history is presented in the table below, with * details on the enhancements and fixes made to the module since its first * release. The current version of this corresponds to the newest version in * the table. * * * * * * * * *
Initial Release
*/ /** * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_exqsg Examples for System Clock Driver * * This is a list of the available Quick Start guides (QSGs) and example * applications for \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_group. QSGs are simple * examples with step-by-step instructions to configure and use this driver in * a selection of use cases. Note that a QSG can be compiled as a standalone * application or be added to the user application. * * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_basic_use_case * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_system_gclk_basic_use_case * * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_document_revision_history Document Revision History * * * * * * * * * *
Doc. Rev. * Date * Comments *
42452A12/2015Initial document release
*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_FEATURE_H_INCLUDED */