/** * \file * * \brief SAM System related functionality * * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ /* * Support and FAQ: visit Microchip Support */ #ifndef SYSTEM_H_INCLUDED #define SYSTEM_H_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \defgroup asfdoc_sam0_system_group SAM System (SYSTEM) Driver * * This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration * and management of the device's system relation functionality, necessary for * the basic device operation. This is not limited to a single peripheral, but * extends across multiple hardware peripherals. * * The following peripherals are used by this module: * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * - PM (Power Manager) * - RSTC (Reset Controller) * - SUPC (Supply Controller) * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMC21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * - PM (Power Manager) * - RSTC (Reset Controller) * - SUPC (Supply Controller) * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMD21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * - SYSCTRL (System Control) * - PM (Power Manager) * \endif * * The following devices can use this module: * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * - Atmel | SMART SAM L21 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R30 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R34 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R35 * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMC21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * - Atmel | SMART SAM C20/C21 * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMD21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * - Atmel | SMART SAM D20/D21 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R21 * - Atmel | SMART SAM D09/D10/D11 * - Atmel | SMART SAM DA1 * \endif * * The outline of this documentation is as follows: * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_prerequisites * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_special_considerations * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_info * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_examples * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_api_overview * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_prerequisites Prerequisites * * There are no prerequisites for this module. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview Module Overview * * The System driver provides a collection of interfaces between the user * application logic, and the core device functionality (such as clocks, reset * cause determination, etc.) that is required for all applications. It contains * a number of sub-modules that control one specific aspect of the device: * * - System Core (this module) * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_group "System Clock Control" (sub-module) * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_interrupt_group "System Interrupt Control" (sub-module) * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_group "System Pin Multiplexer Control" (sub-module) * * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_vreg_l21 Voltage Regulator * The SAM device controls the voltage regulators for the core (VDDCORE) and * backup (VDDBU) domains. It sets the voltage regulators according to the sleep * modes, the performance level, or the user configuration. * * In active mode, the voltage regulator can be chosen on the fly between a LDO * or a Buck converter. In standby mode, the low power voltage regulator is used * to supply VDDCORE. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_bbps Battery Backup Power Switch * The SAM device supports connection of a battery backup to the VBAT power pin. * It includes functionality that enables automatic power switching between main * power and battery backup power. This will ensure power to the backup domain, * when the main battery or power source is unavailable. * \endif * * \if DEVICE_SAMC21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_vreg_c21 Voltage Regulator * The SAM device controls the voltage regulators for the core (VDDCORE). It sets * the voltage regulators according to the sleep modes. * * There are a selectable reference voltage and voltage dependent on the temperature * which can be used by analog modules like the ADC. * \endif * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_vref Voltage References * The various analog modules within the SAM devices (such as AC, ADC, and * DAC) require a voltage reference to be configured to act as a reference point * for comparisons and conversions. * * The SAM devices contain multiple references, including an internal * temperature sensor and a fixed band-gap voltage source. When enabled, the * associated voltage reference can be selected within the desired peripheral * where applicable. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_reset_cause System Reset Cause * In some applications there may be a need to execute a different program * flow based on how the device was reset. For example, if the cause of reset * was the Watchdog timer (WDT), this might indicate an error in the application, * and a form of error handling or error logging might be needed. * * For this reason, an API is provided to retrieve the cause of the last system * reset, so that appropriate action can be taken. * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * There are three groups of reset sources: * - Power supply reset: Resets caused by an electrical issue. It covers POR and BOD reset. * - User reset: Resets caused by the application. It covers external reset, * system reset, and watchdog reset. * - Backup reset: Resets caused by a backup mode exit condition. * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_performance_level Performance Level * Performance level allows the user to adjust the regulator output voltage to reduce * power consumption. The user can on the fly select the most suitable performance * level, depending on the application demands. * * The SAM device can operate at two different performance levels (PL0 and PL2). * When operating at PL0, the voltage applied on the full logic area is reduced * by voltage scaling. This voltage scaling technique allows to reduce the active * power consumption while decreasing the maximum frequency of the device. When * operating at PL2, the voltage regulator supplies the highest voltage, allowing * the device to run at higher clock speeds. * * Performance level transition is possible only when the device is in active * mode. After a reset, the device starts at the lowest performance level * (lowest power consumption and lowest max. frequency). The application can then * switch to another performance level at any time without any stop in the code * execution. As shown in \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_performance_level_transition_figure. * * \note When scaling down the performance level, the bus frequency should first be * scaled down in order to not exceed the maximum frequency allowed for the * low performance level. * When scaling up the performance level (e.g. from PL0 to PL2), check the performance * level status before increasing the bus frequency. It can be increased only * when the performance level transition is completed. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_performance_level_transition_figure * \image html performance_level_transition.svg "Performance Level Transition" * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_power_domain Power Domain Gating * Power domain gating allows power saving by reducing the voltage in logic * areas in the device to a low-power supply. The feature is available in * Standby sleep mode and will reduce the voltage in domains where all peripherals * are idle. Internal logic will maintain its content, meaning the corresponding * peripherals will not need to be reconfigured when normal operating voltage * is returned. Most power domains can be in the following three states: * * - Active state: The power domain is powered on. * - Retention state: The main voltage supply for the power domain is switched off, * while maintaining a secondary low-power supply for the sequential cells. The * logic context is restored when waking up. * - Off state: The power domain is entirely powered off. The logic context is lost. * * The SAM L21 device contains three power domains which can be controlled using * power domain gating, namely PD0, PD1, and PD2. These power domains can be * configured to the following cases: * - Default with no sleepwalking peripherals: A power domain is automatically set * to retention state in standby sleep mode if no activity require it. The application * can force all power domains to remain in active state during standby sleep mode * in order to accelerate wakeup time. * - Default with sleepwalking peripherals: If one or more peripherals are enabled * to perform sleepwalking tasks in standby sleep mode, the corresponding power * domain (PDn) remains in active state as well as all inferior power domains (PDn) in order * to perform a sleepwalking task. The superior power domain is then automatically * set to active state. At the end of the sleepwalking task, the device can either * be woken up or the superior power domain can return to retention state. * * Power domains can be linked to each other, it allows a power domain (PDn) to be kept * in active state if the inferior power domain (PDn-1) is in active state too. * * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_power_domain_overview_table illustrates the * four cases to consider in standby mode. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_power_domain_overview_table * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sleep Mode versus Power Domain State Overview
Standby - Case 1activeactiveactiveactiveactive
Standby - Case 2activeactiveretentionactiveactive
Standby - Case 3activeretentionretentionactiveactive
Standby - Case 4retentionretentionretentionactiveactive
* * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_ram_state RAMs Low Power Mode * By default, in standby sleep mode, RAM is in low power mode (back biased) * if its power domain is in retention state. * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_power_ram_state_table lists RAMs low power mode. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_power_ram_state_table * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RAM Back-biasing Mode
RAM modeDescription
Retention Back-biasing modeRAM is back-biased if its power domain is in retention mode
Standby Back-biasing modeRAM is back-biased if the device is in standby mode
Standby OFF modeRAM is OFF if the device is in standby mode
Always OFF modeRAM is OFF if the device is in RET mode
* * \endif * * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview_sleep_mode Sleep Modes * The SAM devices have several sleep modes. The sleep mode controls * which clock systems on the device will remain enabled or disabled when the * device enters a low power sleep mode. * \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_module_sleep_mode_table "The table below" lists the * clock settings of the different sleep modes. * * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_system_module_sleep_mode_table * * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \else * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \endif *
SAM Device Sleep Modes
Sleep modeSystem clockCPU clockAHB/AHB clockGCLK clocksOscillators (ONDEMAND = 0)Oscillators (ONDEMAND = 1)Regulator modeRAM mode
IdleRunStopRun if requestedRunRunRun if requestedNormalNormal
StandbyStopStopRun if requestedRun if requestedRun if requested or RUNSTDBY = 1Run if requestedLow pwerLow pwer
Sleep modeCPU clockAHB clockAPB clocksClock sourcesSystem clock32KHzReg modeRAM mode
Idle 0StopRunRunRunRunRunNormalNormal
Idle 1StopStopRunRunRunRunNormalNormal
Idle 2StopStopStopRunRunRunNormalNormal
StandbyStopStopStopStopStopStopLow PowerSource/Drain biasing
* * Before entering device sleep, one of the available sleep modes must be set. * The device will automatically wake up in response to an interrupt being * generated or upon any other sleep mode exit condition. * * Some peripheral clocks will remain enabled during sleep, depending on their * configuration. If desired, the modules can remain clocked during sleep to allow * them continue to operate while other parts of the system are powered down * to save power. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_special_considerations Special Considerations * * Most of the functions in this driver have device specific restrictions and * caveats; refer to your device datasheet. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_info Extra Information * * For extra information, see \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_extra. This includes: * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_acronyms * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_dependencies * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_errata * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_history * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_examples Examples * * For SYSTEM module related examples, refer to the sub-modules listed in * the \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_module_overview "Module Overview". * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * For a list of examples related to this driver, see * \ref asfdoc_sam0_drivers_power_exqsg. * \endif * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_api_overview API Overview * @{ */ /** * \name System Debugger * @{ */ /** * \brief Check if debugger is present. * * Check if debugger is connected to the onboard debug system (DAP). * * \return A bool identifying if a debugger is present. * * \retval true Debugger is connected to the system * \retval false Debugger is not connected to the system * */ static inline bool system_is_debugger_present(void) { return DSU->STATUSB.reg & DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES; } /** * @} */ /** * \name System Identification * @{ */ /** * \brief Retrieve the device identification signature. * * Retrieves the signature of the current device. * * \return Device ID signature as a 32-bit integer. */ static inline uint32_t system_get_device_id(void) { return DSU->DID.reg; } /** * @} */ /** * \name System Initialization * @{ */ void system_init(void); /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * \page asfdoc_sam0_drivers_power_exqsg Examples for SYSTEM Driver * * This is a list of the available Quick Start Guides (QSGs) and example * applications for \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_group. QSGs are simple examples with step-by-step instructions to * configure and use this driver in a selection of * use cases. Note that a QSG can be compiled as a standalone application or be * added to the user application. * * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_power_basic_use_case * \endif * * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_extra Extra Information for SYSTEM Driver * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_acronyms Acronyms * Below is a table listing the acronyms used in this module, along with their * intended meanings. * * * * * * * * * * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * * * * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMC21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * * * * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMD21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * \endif *
PMPower Manager
SUPCSupply Controller
RSTCReset Controller
SUPCSupply Controller
RSTCReset Controller
SYSCTRLSystem control interface
* * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_dependencies Dependencies * This driver has the following dependencies: * * - None * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_errata Errata * There are no errata related to this driver. * * * \section asfdoc_sam0_system_extra_history Module History * An overview of the module history is presented in the table below, with * details on the enhancements and fixes made to the module since its first * release. The current version of this corresponds to the newest version in * the table. * * * * * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMC21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMD21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * * * * * \endif *
Initial Release
Initial Release
Added new \c system_reset() to reset the complete MCU with some exceptions
Added new \c system_get_device_id() function to retrieved the device * ID
Initial Release
* * \page asfdoc_sam0_system_document_revision_history Document Revision History * * * * * * * * \if DEVICE_SAML21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMC21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * \endif * \if DEVICE_SAMD21_SYSTEM_SUPPORT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \endif *
Doc. Rev.DateComments
42449A07/2015Initial document release
42484A12/2015Initial document release.
42120E12/2015Added support for SAM DA1 and SAM D09
42120D12/2014Added support for SAM R21 and SAM D10/D11
42120C01/2014Added support for SAM D21
42120B06/2013Corrected documentation typos
42120A06/2013Initial document release
*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* SYSTEM_H_INCLUDED */