/** * \file * * \brief Component description for AC * * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifndef _SAMR30_AC_COMPONENT_ #define _SAMR30_AC_COMPONENT_ /* ========================================================================== */ /** SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR AC */ /* ========================================================================== */ /** \addtogroup SAMR30_AC Analog Comparators */ /*@{*/ #define AC_U2245 #define REV_AC 0x101 /* -------- AC_CTRLA : (AC Offset: 0x00) (R/W 8) Control A -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t SWRST:1; /*!< bit: 0 Software Reset */ uint8_t ENABLE:1; /*!< bit: 1 Enable */ uint8_t :6; /*!< bit: 2.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_CTRLA_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_CTRLA_OFFSET 0x00 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLA offset) Control A */ #define AC_CTRLA_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_CTRLA reset_value) Control A */ #define AC_CTRLA_SWRST_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLA) Software Reset */ #define AC_CTRLA_SWRST (0x1ul << AC_CTRLA_SWRST_Pos) #define AC_CTRLA_ENABLE_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLA) Enable */ #define AC_CTRLA_ENABLE (0x1ul << AC_CTRLA_ENABLE_Pos) #define AC_CTRLA_MASK 0x03ul /**< \brief (AC_CTRLA) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_CTRLB : (AC Offset: 0x01) ( /W 8) Control B -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t START0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 Start Comparison */ uint8_t START1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 Start Comparison */ uint8_t :6; /*!< bit: 2.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint8_t START:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x Start Comparison */ uint8_t :6; /*!< bit: 2.. 7 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_CTRLB_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_CTRLB_OFFSET 0x01 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLB offset) Control B */ #define AC_CTRLB_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_CTRLB reset_value) Control B */ #define AC_CTRLB_START0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLB) Comparator 0 Start Comparison */ #define AC_CTRLB_START0 (1 << AC_CTRLB_START0_Pos) #define AC_CTRLB_START1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLB) Comparator 1 Start Comparison */ #define AC_CTRLB_START1 (1 << AC_CTRLB_START1_Pos) #define AC_CTRLB_START_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_CTRLB) Comparator x Start Comparison */ #define AC_CTRLB_START_Msk (0x3ul << AC_CTRLB_START_Pos) #define AC_CTRLB_START(value) (AC_CTRLB_START_Msk & ((value) << AC_CTRLB_START_Pos)) #define AC_CTRLB_MASK 0x03ul /**< \brief (AC_CTRLB) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_EVCTRL : (AC Offset: 0x02) (R/W 16) Event Control -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint16_t COMPEO0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 Event Output Enable */ uint16_t COMPEO1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 Event Output Enable */ uint16_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint16_t WINEO0:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window 0 Event Output Enable */ uint16_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ uint16_t COMPEI0:1; /*!< bit: 8 Comparator 0 Event Input Enable */ uint16_t COMPEI1:1; /*!< bit: 9 Comparator 1 Event Input Enable */ uint16_t :2; /*!< bit: 10..11 Reserved */ uint16_t INVEI0:1; /*!< bit: 12 Comparator 0 Input Event Invert Enable */ uint16_t INVEI1:1; /*!< bit: 13 Comparator 1 Input Event Invert Enable */ uint16_t :2; /*!< bit: 14..15 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint16_t COMPEO:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x Event Output Enable */ uint16_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint16_t WINEO:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window x Event Output Enable */ uint16_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ uint16_t COMPEI:2; /*!< bit: 8.. 9 Comparator x Event Input Enable */ uint16_t :2; /*!< bit: 10..11 Reserved */ uint16_t INVEI:2; /*!< bit: 12..13 Comparator x Input Event Invert Enable */ uint16_t :2; /*!< bit: 14..15 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint16_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_EVCTRL_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_EVCTRL_OFFSET 0x02 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL offset) Event Control */ #define AC_EVCTRL_RESETVALUE 0x0000ul /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL reset_value) Event Control */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator 0 Event Output Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO0 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO0_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator 1 Event Output Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO1 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO1_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator x Event Output Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO_Msk (0x3ul << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO(value) (AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO_Msk & ((value) << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEO_Pos)) #define AC_EVCTRL_WINEO0_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Window 0 Event Output Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_WINEO0 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_WINEO0_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_WINEO_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Window x Event Output Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_WINEO_Msk (0x1ul << AC_EVCTRL_WINEO_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_WINEO(value) (AC_EVCTRL_WINEO_Msk & ((value) << AC_EVCTRL_WINEO_Pos)) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI0_Pos 8 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator 0 Event Input Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI0 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI0_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI1_Pos 9 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator 1 Event Input Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI1 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI1_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI_Pos 8 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator x Event Input Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI_Msk (0x3ul << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI(value) (AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI_Msk & ((value) << AC_EVCTRL_COMPEI_Pos)) #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI0_Pos 12 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator 0 Input Event Invert Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI0 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_INVEI0_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI1_Pos 13 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator 1 Input Event Invert Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI1 (1 << AC_EVCTRL_INVEI1_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI_Pos 12 /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) Comparator x Input Event Invert Enable */ #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI_Msk (0x3ul << AC_EVCTRL_INVEI_Pos) #define AC_EVCTRL_INVEI(value) (AC_EVCTRL_INVEI_Msk & ((value) << AC_EVCTRL_INVEI_Pos)) #define AC_EVCTRL_MASK 0x3313ul /**< \brief (AC_EVCTRL) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_INTENCLR : (AC Offset: 0x04) (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Clear -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t COMP0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t COMP1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint8_t WIN0:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window 0 Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint8_t COMP:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint8_t WIN:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window x Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_INTENCLR_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_INTENCLR_OFFSET 0x04 /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR offset) Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define AC_INTENCLR_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR reset_value) Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR) Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP0 (1 << AC_INTENCLR_COMP0_Pos) #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR) Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP1 (1 << AC_INTENCLR_COMP1_Pos) #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR) Comparator x Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP_Msk (0x3ul << AC_INTENCLR_COMP_Pos) #define AC_INTENCLR_COMP(value) (AC_INTENCLR_COMP_Msk & ((value) << AC_INTENCLR_COMP_Pos)) #define AC_INTENCLR_WIN0_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR) Window 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENCLR_WIN0 (1 << AC_INTENCLR_WIN0_Pos) #define AC_INTENCLR_WIN_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR) Window x Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENCLR_WIN_Msk (0x1ul << AC_INTENCLR_WIN_Pos) #define AC_INTENCLR_WIN(value) (AC_INTENCLR_WIN_Msk & ((value) << AC_INTENCLR_WIN_Pos)) #define AC_INTENCLR_MASK 0x13ul /**< \brief (AC_INTENCLR) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_INTENSET : (AC Offset: 0x05) (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Set -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t COMP0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t COMP1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint8_t WIN0:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window 0 Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint8_t COMP:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint8_t WIN:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window x Interrupt Enable */ uint8_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_INTENSET_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_INTENSET_OFFSET 0x05 /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET offset) Interrupt Enable Set */ #define AC_INTENSET_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET reset_value) Interrupt Enable Set */ #define AC_INTENSET_COMP0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET) Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENSET_COMP0 (1 << AC_INTENSET_COMP0_Pos) #define AC_INTENSET_COMP1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET) Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENSET_COMP1 (1 << AC_INTENSET_COMP1_Pos) #define AC_INTENSET_COMP_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET) Comparator x Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENSET_COMP_Msk (0x3ul << AC_INTENSET_COMP_Pos) #define AC_INTENSET_COMP(value) (AC_INTENSET_COMP_Msk & ((value) << AC_INTENSET_COMP_Pos)) #define AC_INTENSET_WIN0_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET) Window 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENSET_WIN0 (1 << AC_INTENSET_WIN0_Pos) #define AC_INTENSET_WIN_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET) Window x Interrupt Enable */ #define AC_INTENSET_WIN_Msk (0x1ul << AC_INTENSET_WIN_Pos) #define AC_INTENSET_WIN(value) (AC_INTENSET_WIN_Msk & ((value) << AC_INTENSET_WIN_Pos)) #define AC_INTENSET_MASK 0x13ul /**< \brief (AC_INTENSET) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_INTFLAG : (AC Offset: 0x06) (R/W 8) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { // __I to avoid read-modify-write on write-to-clear register struct { __I uint8_t COMP0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 */ __I uint8_t COMP1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 */ __I uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ __I uint8_t WIN0:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window 0 */ __I uint8_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { __I uint8_t COMP:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x */ __I uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ __I uint8_t WIN:1; /*!< bit: 4 Window x */ __I uint8_t :3; /*!< bit: 5.. 7 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_INTFLAG_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_INTFLAG_OFFSET 0x06 /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG offset) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define AC_INTFLAG_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG reset_value) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG) Comparator 0 */ #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP0 (1 << AC_INTFLAG_COMP0_Pos) #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG) Comparator 1 */ #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP1 (1 << AC_INTFLAG_COMP1_Pos) #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG) Comparator x */ #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP_Msk (0x3ul << AC_INTFLAG_COMP_Pos) #define AC_INTFLAG_COMP(value) (AC_INTFLAG_COMP_Msk & ((value) << AC_INTFLAG_COMP_Pos)) #define AC_INTFLAG_WIN0_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG) Window 0 */ #define AC_INTFLAG_WIN0 (1 << AC_INTFLAG_WIN0_Pos) #define AC_INTFLAG_WIN_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG) Window x */ #define AC_INTFLAG_WIN_Msk (0x1ul << AC_INTFLAG_WIN_Pos) #define AC_INTFLAG_WIN(value) (AC_INTFLAG_WIN_Msk & ((value) << AC_INTFLAG_WIN_Pos)) #define AC_INTFLAG_MASK 0x13ul /**< \brief (AC_INTFLAG) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_STATUSA : (AC Offset: 0x07) (R/ 8) Status A -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t STATE0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 Current State */ uint8_t STATE1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 Current State */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 2.. 3 Reserved */ uint8_t WSTATE0:2; /*!< bit: 4.. 5 Window 0 Current State */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 6.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint8_t STATE:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x Current State */ uint8_t :6; /*!< bit: 2.. 7 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_STATUSA_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_STATUSA_OFFSET 0x07 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA offset) Status A */ #define AC_STATUSA_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA reset_value) Status A */ #define AC_STATUSA_STATE0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Comparator 0 Current State */ #define AC_STATUSA_STATE0 (1 << AC_STATUSA_STATE0_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_STATE1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Comparator 1 Current State */ #define AC_STATUSA_STATE1 (1 << AC_STATUSA_STATE1_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_STATE_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Comparator x Current State */ #define AC_STATUSA_STATE_Msk (0x3ul << AC_STATUSA_STATE_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_STATE(value) (AC_STATUSA_STATE_Msk & ((value) << AC_STATUSA_STATE_Pos)) #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Window 0 Current State */ #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Msk (0x3ul << AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0(value) (AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Msk & ((value) << AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Pos)) #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_ABOVE_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Signal is above window */ #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_INSIDE_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Signal is inside window */ #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_BELOW_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) Signal is below window */ #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_ABOVE (AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_ABOVE_Val << AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_INSIDE (AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_INSIDE_Val << AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_BELOW (AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_BELOW_Val << AC_STATUSA_WSTATE0_Pos) #define AC_STATUSA_MASK 0x33ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSA) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_STATUSB : (AC Offset: 0x08) (R/ 8) Status B -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t READY0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Comparator 0 Ready */ uint8_t READY1:1; /*!< bit: 1 Comparator 1 Ready */ uint8_t :6; /*!< bit: 2.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint8_t READY:2; /*!< bit: 0.. 1 Comparator x Ready */ uint8_t :6; /*!< bit: 2.. 7 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_STATUSB_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_STATUSB_OFFSET 0x08 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSB offset) Status B */ #define AC_STATUSB_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSB reset_value) Status B */ #define AC_STATUSB_READY0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSB) Comparator 0 Ready */ #define AC_STATUSB_READY0 (1 << AC_STATUSB_READY0_Pos) #define AC_STATUSB_READY1_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSB) Comparator 1 Ready */ #define AC_STATUSB_READY1 (1 << AC_STATUSB_READY1_Pos) #define AC_STATUSB_READY_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_STATUSB) Comparator x Ready */ #define AC_STATUSB_READY_Msk (0x3ul << AC_STATUSB_READY_Pos) #define AC_STATUSB_READY(value) (AC_STATUSB_READY_Msk & ((value) << AC_STATUSB_READY_Pos)) #define AC_STATUSB_MASK 0x03ul /**< \brief (AC_STATUSB) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_DBGCTRL : (AC Offset: 0x09) (R/W 8) Debug Control -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t DBGRUN:1; /*!< bit: 0 Debug Run */ uint8_t :7; /*!< bit: 1.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_DBGCTRL_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_DBGCTRL_OFFSET 0x09 /**< \brief (AC_DBGCTRL offset) Debug Control */ #define AC_DBGCTRL_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_DBGCTRL reset_value) Debug Control */ #define AC_DBGCTRL_DBGRUN_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_DBGCTRL) Debug Run */ #define AC_DBGCTRL_DBGRUN (0x1ul << AC_DBGCTRL_DBGRUN_Pos) #define AC_DBGCTRL_MASK 0x01ul /**< \brief (AC_DBGCTRL) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_WINCTRL : (AC Offset: 0x0A) (R/W 8) Window Control -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t WEN0:1; /*!< bit: 0 Window 0 Mode Enable */ uint8_t WINTSEL0:2; /*!< bit: 1.. 2 Window 0 Interrupt Selection */ uint8_t :5; /*!< bit: 3.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_WINCTRL_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_WINCTRL_OFFSET 0x0A /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL offset) Window Control */ #define AC_WINCTRL_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL reset_value) Window Control */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WEN0_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) Window 0 Mode Enable */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WEN0 (0x1ul << AC_WINCTRL_WEN0_Pos) #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) Window 0 Interrupt Selection */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Msk (0x3ul << AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos) #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0(value) (AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Msk & ((value) << AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos)) #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_ABOVE_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) Interrupt on signal above window */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_INSIDE_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) Interrupt on signal inside window */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_BELOW_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) Interrupt on signal below window */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_OUTSIDE_Val 0x3ul /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) Interrupt on signal outside window */ #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_ABOVE (AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_ABOVE_Val << AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos) #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_INSIDE (AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_INSIDE_Val << AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos) #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_BELOW (AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_BELOW_Val << AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos) #define AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_OUTSIDE (AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_OUTSIDE_Val << AC_WINCTRL_WINTSEL0_Pos) #define AC_WINCTRL_MASK 0x07ul /**< \brief (AC_WINCTRL) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_SCALER : (AC Offset: 0x0C) (R/W 8) Scaler n -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint8_t VALUE:6; /*!< bit: 0.. 5 Scaler Value */ uint8_t :2; /*!< bit: 6.. 7 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ uint8_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_SCALER_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_SCALER_OFFSET 0x0C /**< \brief (AC_SCALER offset) Scaler n */ #define AC_SCALER_RESETVALUE 0x00ul /**< \brief (AC_SCALER reset_value) Scaler n */ #define AC_SCALER_VALUE_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_SCALER) Scaler Value */ #define AC_SCALER_VALUE_Msk (0x3Ful << AC_SCALER_VALUE_Pos) #define AC_SCALER_VALUE(value) (AC_SCALER_VALUE_Msk & ((value) << AC_SCALER_VALUE_Pos)) #define AC_SCALER_MASK 0x3Ful /**< \brief (AC_SCALER) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_COMPCTRL : (AC Offset: 0x10) (R/W 32) Comparator Control n -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 0 Reserved */ uint32_t ENABLE:1; /*!< bit: 1 Enable */ uint32_t SINGLE:1; /*!< bit: 2 Single-Shot Mode */ uint32_t INTSEL:2; /*!< bit: 3.. 4 Interrupt Selection */ uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 5 Reserved */ uint32_t RUNSTDBY:1; /*!< bit: 6 Run in Standby */ uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 7 Reserved */ uint32_t MUXNEG:3; /*!< bit: 8..10 Negative Input Mux Selection */ uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 11 Reserved */ uint32_t MUXPOS:3; /*!< bit: 12..14 Positive Input Mux Selection */ uint32_t SWAP:1; /*!< bit: 15 Swap Inputs and Invert */ uint32_t SPEED:2; /*!< bit: 16..17 Speed Selection */ uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 18 Reserved */ uint32_t HYSTEN:1; /*!< bit: 19 Hysteresis Enable */ uint32_t HYST:2; /*!< bit: 20..21 Hysteresis Level */ uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 22..23 Reserved */ uint32_t FLEN:3; /*!< bit: 24..26 Filter Length */ uint32_t :1; /*!< bit: 27 Reserved */ uint32_t OUT:2; /*!< bit: 28..29 Output */ uint32_t :2; /*!< bit: 30..31 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_COMPCTRL_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_OFFSET 0x10 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL offset) Comparator Control n */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_RESETVALUE 0x00000000ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL reset_value) Comparator Control n */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_ENABLE_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Enable */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_ENABLE (0x1ul << AC_COMPCTRL_ENABLE_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SINGLE_Pos 2 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Single-Shot Mode */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SINGLE (0x1ul << AC_COMPCTRL_SINGLE_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos 3 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Interrupt Selection */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Msk (0x3ul << AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_TOGGLE_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Interrupt on comparator output toggle */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_RISING_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Interrupt on comparator output rising */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_FALLING_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Interrupt on comparator output falling */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_EOC_Val 0x3ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Interrupt on end of comparison (single-shot mode only) */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_TOGGLE (AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_TOGGLE_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_RISING (AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_RISING_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_FALLING (AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_FALLING_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_EOC (AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_EOC_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_INTSEL_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_RUNSTDBY_Pos 6 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Run in Standby */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_RUNSTDBY (0x1ul << AC_COMPCTRL_RUNSTDBY_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos 8 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Negative Input Mux Selection */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Msk (0x7ul << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN0_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 0 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN1_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 1 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN2_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 2 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN3_Val 0x3ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 3 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_GND_Val 0x4ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Ground */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_VSCALE_Val 0x5ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) VDD scaler */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_BANDGAP_Val 0x6ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Internal bandgap voltage */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_DAC_Val 0x7ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) DAC output */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN0 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN0_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN1 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN1_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN2 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN2_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN3 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_PIN3_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_GND (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_GND_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_VSCALE (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_VSCALE_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_BANDGAP (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_BANDGAP_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_DAC (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_DAC_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXNEG_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos 12 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Positive Input Mux Selection */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Msk (0x7ul << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN0_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 0 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN1_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 1 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN2_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 2 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN3_Val 0x3ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) I/O pin 3 */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_VSCALE_Val 0x4ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) VDD Scaler */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN0 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN0_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN1 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN1_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN2 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN2_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN3 (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_PIN3_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_VSCALE (AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_VSCALE_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_MUXPOS_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SWAP_Pos 15 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Swap Inputs and Invert */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SWAP (0x1ul << AC_COMPCTRL_SWAP_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos 16 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Speed Selection */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Msk (0x3ul << AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_LOW_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Low speed */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_MEDLOW_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Medium low speed */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_MEDHIGH_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Medium high speed */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_HIGH_Val 0x3ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) High speed */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_LOW (AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_LOW_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_MEDLOW (AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_MEDLOW_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_MEDHIGH (AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_MEDHIGH_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_HIGH (AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_HIGH_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_SPEED_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYSTEN_Pos 19 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Hysteresis Enable */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYSTEN (0x1ul << AC_COMPCTRL_HYSTEN_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos 20 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Hysteresis Level */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Msk (0x3ul << AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST50_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) 50mV */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST70_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) 70mV */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST90_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) 90mV */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST110_Val 0x3ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) 110mV */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST50 (AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST50_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST70 (AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST70_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST90 (AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST90_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST110 (AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_HYST110_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_HYST_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Pos 24 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Filter Length */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Msk (0x7ul << AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_OFF_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) No filtering */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_MAJ3_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) 3-bit majority function (2 of 3) */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_MAJ5_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) 5-bit majority function (3 of 5) */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_OFF (AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_OFF_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_MAJ3 (AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_MAJ3_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_MAJ5 (AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_MAJ5_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_FLEN_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Pos 28 /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) Output */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Msk (0x3ul << AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT(value) (AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Msk & ((value) << AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Pos)) #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_OFF_Val 0x0ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) The output of COMPn is not routed to the COMPn I/O port */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_ASYNC_Val 0x1ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) The asynchronous output of COMPn is routed to the COMPn I/O port */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_SYNC_Val 0x2ul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) The synchronous output (including filtering) of COMPn is routed to the COMPn I/O port */ #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_OFF (AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_OFF_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_ASYNC (AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_ASYNC_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_SYNC (AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_SYNC_Val << AC_COMPCTRL_OUT_Pos) #define AC_COMPCTRL_MASK 0x373BF75Eul /**< \brief (AC_COMPCTRL) MASK Register */ /* -------- AC_SYNCBUSY : (AC Offset: 0x20) (R/ 32) Synchronization Busy -------- */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef union { struct { uint32_t SWRST:1; /*!< bit: 0 Software Reset Synchronization Busy */ uint32_t ENABLE:1; /*!< bit: 1 Enable Synchronization Busy */ uint32_t WINCTRL:1; /*!< bit: 2 WINCTRL Synchronization Busy */ uint32_t COMPCTRL0:1; /*!< bit: 3 COMPCTRL 0 Synchronization Busy */ uint32_t COMPCTRL1:1; /*!< bit: 4 COMPCTRL 1 Synchronization Busy */ uint32_t :27; /*!< bit: 5..31 Reserved */ } bit; /*!< Structure used for bit access */ struct { uint32_t :3; /*!< bit: 0.. 2 Reserved */ uint32_t COMPCTRL:2; /*!< bit: 3.. 4 COMPCTRL x Synchronization Busy */ uint32_t :27; /*!< bit: 5..31 Reserved */ } vec; /*!< Structure used for vec access */ uint32_t reg; /*!< Type used for register access */ } AC_SYNCBUSY_Type; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_OFFSET 0x20 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY offset) Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_RESETVALUE 0x00000000ul /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY reset_value) Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_SWRST_Pos 0 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) Software Reset Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_SWRST (0x1ul << AC_SYNCBUSY_SWRST_Pos) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE_Pos 1 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) Enable Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE (0x1ul << AC_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE_Pos) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_WINCTRL_Pos 2 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) WINCTRL Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_WINCTRL (0x1ul << AC_SYNCBUSY_WINCTRL_Pos) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL0_Pos 3 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) COMPCTRL 0 Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL0 (1 << AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL0_Pos) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL1_Pos 4 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) COMPCTRL 1 Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL1 (1 << AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL1_Pos) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL_Pos 3 /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) COMPCTRL x Synchronization Busy */ #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL_Msk (0x3ul << AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL_Pos) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL(value) (AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL_Msk & ((value) << AC_SYNCBUSY_COMPCTRL_Pos)) #define AC_SYNCBUSY_MASK 0x0000001Ful /**< \brief (AC_SYNCBUSY) MASK Register */ /** \brief AC hardware registers */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) typedef struct { __IO AC_CTRLA_Type CTRLA; /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 8) Control A */ __O AC_CTRLB_Type CTRLB; /**< \brief Offset: 0x01 ( /W 8) Control B */ __IO AC_EVCTRL_Type EVCTRL; /**< \brief Offset: 0x02 (R/W 16) Event Control */ __IO AC_INTENCLR_Type INTENCLR; /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Clear */ __IO AC_INTENSET_Type INTENSET; /**< \brief Offset: 0x05 (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Set */ __IO AC_INTFLAG_Type INTFLAG; /**< \brief Offset: 0x06 (R/W 8) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ __I AC_STATUSA_Type STATUSA; /**< \brief Offset: 0x07 (R/ 8) Status A */ __I AC_STATUSB_Type STATUSB; /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/ 8) Status B */ __IO AC_DBGCTRL_Type DBGCTRL; /**< \brief Offset: 0x09 (R/W 8) Debug Control */ __IO AC_WINCTRL_Type WINCTRL; /**< \brief Offset: 0x0A (R/W 8) Window Control */ RoReg8 Reserved1[0x1]; __IO AC_SCALER_Type SCALER[2]; /**< \brief Offset: 0x0C (R/W 8) Scaler n */ RoReg8 Reserved2[0x2]; __IO AC_COMPCTRL_Type COMPCTRL[2]; /**< \brief Offset: 0x10 (R/W 32) Comparator Control n */ RoReg8 Reserved3[0x8]; __I AC_SYNCBUSY_Type SYNCBUSY; /**< \brief Offset: 0x20 (R/ 32) Synchronization Busy */ } Ac; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ /*@}*/ #endif /* _SAMR30_AC_COMPONENT_ */