/** * \file * * \brief Instance description for RTC * * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifndef _SAMR30_RTC_INSTANCE_ #define _SAMR30_RTC_INSTANCE_ /* ========== Register definition for RTC peripheral ========== */ #if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) #define REG_RTC_DBGCTRL (0x4000200EU) /**< \brief (RTC) Debug Control */ #define REG_RTC_FREQCORR (0x40002014U) /**< \brief (RTC) Frequency Correction */ #define REG_RTC_GP0 (0x40002040U) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 0 */ #define REG_RTC_GP1 (0x40002044U) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 1 */ #define REG_RTC_GP2 (0x40002048U) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 2 */ #define REG_RTC_GP3 (0x4000204CU) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 3 */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_CTRLA (0x40002000U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Control A */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL (0x40002004U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Event Control */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_INTENCLR (0x40002008U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_INTENSET (0x4000200AU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Interrupt Enable Set */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG (0x4000200CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_SYNCBUSY (0x40002010U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Synchronization Busy Status */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_COUNT (0x40002018U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Counter Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_COMP0 (0x40002020U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Compare 0 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_CTRLA (0x40002000U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Control A */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_EVCTRL (0x40002004U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Event Control */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_INTENCLR (0x40002008U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_INTENSET (0x4000200AU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Interrupt Enable Set */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_INTFLAG (0x4000200CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_SYNCBUSY (0x40002010U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Synchronization Busy Status */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_COUNT (0x40002018U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Counter Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_PER (0x4000201CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Counter Period */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_COMP0 (0x40002020U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Compare 0 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_COMP1 (0x40002022U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Compare 1 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_CTRLA (0x40002000U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Control A */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_EVCTRL (0x40002004U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Event Control */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_INTENCLR (0x40002008U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_INTENSET (0x4000200AU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Interrupt Enable Set */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_INTFLAG (0x4000200CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_SYNCBUSY (0x40002010U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Synchronization Busy Status */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_CLOCK (0x40002018U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Clock Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_ALARM_ALARM0 (0x40002020U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2_ALARM Alarm 0 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_ALARM_MASK0 (0x40002024U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2_ALARM Alarm 0 Mask */ #else #define REG_RTC_DBGCTRL (*(RwReg8 *)0x4000200EU) /**< \brief (RTC) Debug Control */ #define REG_RTC_FREQCORR (*(RwReg8 *)0x40002014U) /**< \brief (RTC) Frequency Correction */ #define REG_RTC_GP0 (*(RwReg *)0x40002040U) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 0 */ #define REG_RTC_GP1 (*(RwReg *)0x40002044U) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 1 */ #define REG_RTC_GP2 (*(RwReg *)0x40002048U) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 2 */ #define REG_RTC_GP3 (*(RwReg *)0x4000204CU) /**< \brief (RTC) General Purpose 3 */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_CTRLA (*(RwReg16*)0x40002000U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Control A */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_EVCTRL (*(RwReg *)0x40002004U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Event Control */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_INTENCLR (*(RwReg16*)0x40002008U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_INTENSET (*(RwReg16*)0x4000200AU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Interrupt Enable Set */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG (*(RwReg16*)0x4000200CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_SYNCBUSY (*(RoReg *)0x40002010U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Synchronization Busy Status */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_COUNT (*(RwReg *)0x40002018U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Counter Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE0_COMP0 (*(RwReg *)0x40002020U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE0 Compare 0 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_CTRLA (*(RwReg16*)0x40002000U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Control A */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_EVCTRL (*(RwReg *)0x40002004U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Event Control */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_INTENCLR (*(RwReg16*)0x40002008U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_INTENSET (*(RwReg16*)0x4000200AU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Interrupt Enable Set */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_INTFLAG (*(RwReg16*)0x4000200CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_SYNCBUSY (*(RoReg *)0x40002010U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Synchronization Busy Status */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_COUNT (*(RwReg16*)0x40002018U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Counter Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_PER (*(RwReg16*)0x4000201CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Counter Period */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_COMP0 (*(RwReg16*)0x40002020U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Compare 0 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE1_COMP1 (*(RwReg16*)0x40002022U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE1 Compare 1 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_CTRLA (*(RwReg16*)0x40002000U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Control A */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_EVCTRL (*(RwReg *)0x40002004U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Event Control */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_INTENCLR (*(RwReg16*)0x40002008U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Interrupt Enable Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_INTENSET (*(RwReg16*)0x4000200AU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Interrupt Enable Set */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_INTFLAG (*(RwReg16*)0x4000200CU) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_SYNCBUSY (*(RoReg *)0x40002010U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Synchronization Busy Status */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_CLOCK (*(RwReg *)0x40002018U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2 Clock Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_ALARM_ALARM0 (*(RwReg *)0x40002020U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2_ALARM Alarm 0 Value */ #define REG_RTC_MODE2_ALARM_MASK0 (*(RwReg *)0x40002024U) /**< \brief (RTC) MODE2_ALARM Alarm 0 Mask */ #endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ /* ========== Instance parameters for RTC peripheral ========== */ #define RTC_ALARM_NUM 1 // Number of Alarms #define RTC_COMP16_NUM 2 // Number of 16-bit Comparators #define RTC_COMP32_NUM 1 // Number of 32-bit Comparators #define RTC_GPR_NUM 4 // Number of General-Purpose Registers #define RTC_PER_NUM 8 // Number of Periodic Intervals #endif /* _SAMR30_RTC_INSTANCE_ */