/** * \file S_XNv.h * * \brief S_XNv Driver Interface * * Copyright (c) 2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifndef S_XNV_H #define S_XNV_H /*************************************************************************************************** * INCLUDE FILES ***************************************************************************************************/ #include "N_Types.h" /*************************************************************************************************** * C++ DECLARATION WRAPPER ***************************************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*************************************************************************************************** * EXPORTED TYPES ***************************************************************************************************/ /** Identifier type to an item in Flash. Valid range is 1..32767. */ typedef uint16_t S_XNv_ItemId_t; /** Return value type of most S_XNv functions. */ typedef enum S_XNv_ReturnValue_t { /** The operation succeeded. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok, /** Unable to write to flash. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_Failure, /** The item didn't exist but was successfully created and initialised. No error. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_DidNotExist, /** The item that was attempted to access doesn't exist. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_DoesNotExist, /** An attempt was made to read or write beyond the length of the item. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_BeyondEnd, /** The power supply voltage was too low to reliably perform the requested operation. The operation has not been executed. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_PowerSupplyTooLow, } S_XNv_ReturnValue_t; /** Function type used to check the external NV's power supply. Should only return TRUE if the power supply is high enough to reliably perform a write or erase operation. */ typedef bool (*S_XNv_PowerSupplyCheckingFunction_t)(void); /*************************************************************************************************** * EXPORTED MACROS AND CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************************** * EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************************************/ /** Initializes an item with default data, but only if it doesn't exit yet. \param id The item to initialize. \param itemLength The length of the item. \param pDefaultData Buffer to 'itemLength' bytes, or NULL. \returns S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok, S_XNv_ReturnValue_DidNotExist or S_XNv_ReturnValue_PowerSupplyTooLow. If the item doesn't exist, it is written with the given default data and the status code S_XNv_ReturnValue_DidNotExist is returned. Otherwise, the default data is not used, the item is kept as it was but read into pDefaultData, and S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok is returned. If NULL is passed for pDefaultData, and the item doesn't exist all data is initialized to 0xFF. \note pDefaultData must not point to constant data. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_t S_XNv_ItemInit(S_XNv_ItemId_t id, uint16_t itemLength, void* pDefaultData); /** Writes an item. \param id The item to write. \param offset The offset in the item to start writing to. \param dataLength The length of the data to write. \param pData Pointer to 'dataLength' bytes to write. \returns S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok, S_XNv_ReturnValue_DoesNotExist, S_XNv_ReturnValue_BeyondEnd or S_XNv_ReturnValue_PowerSupplyTooLow. If any of the bytes fall outside the item length as passed during S_XNv_ItemInit(), the whole write operation does not occur and S_XNv_ReturnValue_BeyondEnd is returned. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_t S_XNv_Write(S_XNv_ItemId_t id, uint16_t offset, uint16_t dataLength, void* pData); /** Reads an item. \param id The item to read. \param offset The offset in the item to start reading from. \param dataLength The length of the data to read. \param pData Pointer to a buffer where the read bytes are to be written to. \returns S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok, S_XNv_ReturnValue_DoesntExist or S_XNv_ReturnValue_BeyondEnd. If any of the bytes fall outside the item length as passed during S_XNv_ItemInit(), the whole read operation does not occur and S_XNv_ReturnValue_BeyondEnd is returned. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_t S_XNv_Read(S_XNv_ItemId_t id, uint16_t offset, uint16_t dataLength, void* pData); /** Returns the item length of an item. \param id The item to get the length from. \returns The length of the item, in bytes, as passed during S_XNv_ItemInit(), or 0 if the item doesn't exist. */ uint16_t S_XNv_ItemLength(S_XNv_ItemId_t id); /** Deletes an item from non-volatile storage. \param id The item to delete. \returns S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok, S_XNv_ReturnValue_DoesntExist or S_XNv_ReturnValue_PowerSupplyTooLow. */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_t S_XNv_Delete(S_XNv_ItemId_t id); /** Erases all items (optionally except the persistent ones) from non-volatile storage. \param includingPersistentItems Whether to also erase the peristent items. \returns S_XNv_ReturnValue_Ok or S_XNv_ReturnValue_PowerSupplyTooLow. The persistent items should typically never be erased in an application! */ S_XNv_ReturnValue_t S_XNv_EraseAll(bool includingPersistentItems); /** Sets a function to check the power supply. \param pf A pointer to a function that S_XNv uses to check the power supply. If the power supply checking function is not set, the default is to assume that the power supply is always high enough. This is not suitable for typical applications. When this function is called again, */ void S_XNv_SetPowerSupplyCheckingFunction(S_XNv_PowerSupplyCheckingFunction_t pf); /** Checks the item is available or not. \param id The item to check \returns true if item is available, false if not. */ bool S_XNv_IsItemAvailable_Impl(S_XNv_ItemId_t id); /*************************************************************************************************** * END OF C++ DECLARATION WRAPPER ***************************************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // S_XNV_H