/** * \file conf_clocks.h * * \brief Clock configuration * * Copyright (c) 2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ /* * Support and FAQ: visit Microchip Support */ #include #ifndef CONF_CLOCKS_H_INCLUDED # define CONF_CLOCKS_H_INCLUDED /* System clock bus configuration */ # define CONF_CLOCK_CPU_CLOCK_FAILURE_DETECT false # define CONF_CLOCK_FLASH_WAIT_STATES 0 # define CONF_CLOCK_CPU_DIVIDER SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_1 # define CONF_CLOCK_LOW_POWER_DIVIDER SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_1 # define CONF_CLOCK_BACKUP_DIVIDER SYSTEM_MAIN_CLOCK_DIV_1 /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M configuration - Internal 16MHz oscillator */ # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC16M_FREQ_SEL SYSTEM_OSC16M_8M # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC16M_ON_DEMAND true # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC16M_RUN_IN_STANDBY false /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_XOSC configuration - External clock/oscillator */ # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL SYSTEM_CLOCK_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_EXTERNAL_FREQUENCY 12000000UL # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_STARTUP_TIME SYSTEM_XOSC_STARTUP_32768 # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_AUTO_GAIN_CONTROL true # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_ON_DEMAND true # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC_RUN_IN_STANDBY false /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_XOSC32K configuration - External 32KHz crystal/clock *oscillator */ # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL SYSTEM_CLOCK_EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_STARTUP_TIME SYSTEM_XOSC32K_STARTUP_65536 # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_ENABLE_1KHZ_OUPUT false # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_ENABLE_32KHZ_OUTPUT true # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_ON_DEMAND true # define CONF_CLOCK_XOSC32K_RUN_IN_STANDBY false /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC32K configuration - Internal 32KHz oscillator */ # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC32K_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC32K_STARTUP_TIME SYSTEM_OSC32K_STARTUP_130 # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC32K_ENABLE_1KHZ_OUTPUT true # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC32K_ENABLE_32KHZ_OUTPUT true # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC32K_ON_DEMAND true # define CONF_CLOCK_OSC32K_RUN_IN_STANDBY false /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSCULP32K configuration - Internal Ultra Low Power 32KHz *oscillator */ /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DFLL configuration - Digital Frequency Locked Loop */ # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_LOOP_MODE \ SYSTEM_CLOCK_DFLL_LOOP_MODE_OPEN # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_ON_DEMAND false # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_RUN_IN_STANDBY false /* DFLL open loop mode configuration */ # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_FINE_VALUE (512) /* DFLL closed loop mode configuration */ # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_SOURCE_GCLK_GENERATOR GCLK_GENERATOR_1 # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_MULTIPLY_FACTOR (48000000 / 32768) # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_QUICK_LOCK true # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_TRACK_AFTER_FINE_LOCK true # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_KEEP_LOCK_ON_WAKEUP true # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_ENABLE_CHILL_CYCLE true # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_MAX_COARSE_STEP_SIZE (0x1f / 4) # define CONF_CLOCK_DFLL_MAX_FINE_STEP_SIZE (0xff / 4) /* SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL configuration - Digital Phase-Locked Loop */ # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_ON_DEMAND true # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_LOCK_BYPASS false # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_WAKE_UP_FAST false # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_LOW_POWER_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_LOCK_TIME \ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_LOCK_TIME_DEFAULT # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_REFERENCE_CLOCK \ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_REFERENCE_CLOCK_XOSC32K # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_FILTER \ SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_FILTER_DEFAULT # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_PRESCALER SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_DPLL_DIV_1 # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_REFERENCE_FREQUENCY 32768 # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_REFERENCE_DIVIDER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY 48000000 /* DPLL GCLK reference configuration */ # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_REFERENCE_GCLK_GENERATOR GCLK_GENERATOR_1 /* DPLL GCLK lock timer configuration */ # define CONF_CLOCK_DPLL_LOCK_GCLK_GENERATOR GCLK_GENERATOR_1 /* Set this to true to configure the GCLK when running clocks_init. If set to * false, none of the GCLK generators will be configured in clocks_init(). */ # define CONF_CLOCK_CONFIGURE_GCLK true /* Configure GCLK generator 0 (Main Clock) */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_0_ENABLE true # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_0_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_0_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_0_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_0_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 1 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_1_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_1_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_1_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_XOSC32K # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_1_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_1_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 2 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_2_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_2_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_2_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_2_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_2_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 3 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_3_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_3_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_3_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_3_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_3_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 4 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_4_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_4_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_4_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_4_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_4_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 5 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_5_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_5_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_5_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_5_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_5_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 6 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_6_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_6_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_6_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_6_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_6_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 7 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_7_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_7_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_7_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_7_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_7_OUTPUT_ENABLE false /* Configure GCLK generator 8 */ # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_8_ENABLE false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_8_RUN_IN_STANDBY false # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_8_CLOCK_SOURCE SYSTEM_CLOCK_SOURCE_OSC16M # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_8_PRESCALER 1 # define CONF_CLOCK_GCLK_8_OUTPUT_ENABLE false #endif /* CONF_CLOCKS_H_INCLUDED */