IrishSat is an undergraduate satellite design team focused on launching CubeSats through NASA's CubeSat Launch
Initiative Program (CLSI). IrishSat is developing a prototype 1U CubeSat, which is confined to a 10x10x10 cm
structure. The IrishSat Senior Design Team has over the past year designed and fabricated a printed circuit board
that implements an Anomaly and State Detection system. As the satellite experiences environmental changes in LEO,
the satellite must detect these changes and turn off nonessential components in order to conserve the system's
power. The printed circuit board designed by this senior design team integrates directly with the current IrishSat
electronic infrastructure, including a Motor Controller Board and a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Our project consists of
four subsystems: Power, Anomaly and State Detection, Communications, and Interfaces. These four subsystems work
together to act as the brain
and the guts
of IrishSat's satellite.