Kelsey Farr

Kelsey is a senior EE major with an Energy Studies minor, and she loves renewable energy and energy optimization! Her work on this project has been mainly on the Control System Subsystem, which uses power data of the system to perform logic and switching operations to control whether the battery storage is providing power to the system or being charged. She likes this because she likes embedded systems applications, plus, the solid state relays used in the system are baby-blue-colored, which Kelsey thinks is adorable. She's also the creator of this website and hopes you enjoy it!

Sylvia Kolda

Sylvia is a senior EE major who's had an interest in power and energy throughout all of college. She has worked mainly with the Generation Subsystem, stepping in to help others when necessary. Sylvia loves the idea of using solar panels to power an entire community and is excited to use this project to convince others to love the idea too!

Brian McGee

I am from Los Alamitos, CA and am the youngest of three brothers. I grew up near the coast and love to swim and surf. I attended Servite High School where I played Water Polo. I came to Notre Dame both for its rigorous academics and its strong Catholic identity. I chose to study Electrical Engineering as it was interesting and provided me with the widest array of career options. After graduation, I will be working in Southern California at a power utility company called Southern California Edison. 

Dan Mikovits

Dan is a senior Electrical Engineering major and Energy Studies minor who's excited to enter the world of energy optimization! He's worked on the distribution system for the project, as well as the PCB design for power monitoring and communications. As much of a pain as they are to debug, he loves the idea of implementing Internet-Of-Things capability into emerging systems and feels like a solar microgrid with efficient power monitoring and communication is a step towards more energy efficient, resilient communities of the future!

Maia Nieves

Maia's EE degree is concentrated in Bioengineering, and plans to pursue a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering after graduation. However, she has worked with multiple startups focusing on hardware development and hardware/software interfacing. She mainly worked on the display subsystem in this project, which involved tasks ranging from encoding and enabling a continuous UART connection with the control system to displaying the received data after processing and formatting it for the GUI.