Reports and Presentations

    First Stage

  • During the first semester of the senior design course, representatives from the Rocket Team pitched the rover payload to our class. The four of us were immediately intrigued. This is our project proposal and the presentation we gave to the class. It describes the NASA requirements and our initial ideas for tackling the challenges presented.

    Project Proposal Proposal Presentation

  • Second Stage

  • The High Level Design document has our first design ideas. It contains all the explicit requirements and how we plan to meet them. It elaborates on design decisions at the subsystem level. We've also included a preliminary cost estimate for the project.

    In the early design stages, NASA requires two design reviews. The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) is the initial review for the whole rocket and all payloads. As part of the PDR, we wrote the section of the report for the Rover Payload. We also gave a formal presentation to NASA. The PDR report is included below.

    The second design review, which takes place in January, is called the Critical Design Review (CDR). At this stage all design decisions have to be finalized and tested. We must also show that our designs have multiple redundant safety systems. As part of the CDR, we wrote the section of the report for the Rover Payload. We also gave a formal presentation to NASA. The CDR report is included below.

    Preliminary Design Review High Level Design Critical Design Review

  • Third and Final Stage

  • The last comprehensive review of the system for NASA is called the Flight Readiness Review (FRR). It contains our final design decisions and the outcome of the last test flight. As part of the FRR, we wrote the section on the Rover Payload for the report and gave a formal presentation to NASA.

    We also wrote a Final Report that contains more details about the rover. It has extra information that will be useful to anyone who decides to expand and improve upon the current rover design. We've also included the poster that was shown at the final EE Senior Design Demo in May.

    Flight Readiness Review Final Report Poster

Board Files

  • We designed two sets of boards. The prototype boards are greater in number and, in most cases, larger than their corresponding final board version. The prototype boards contain more header pins in order to better debug and troubleshoot the board. There are five prototype boards: a sensor board, a communication board, a motor driver board, a bluetooth board and ematch boards. A PCB prototype of the ematch boards were never designed. Instead, the ematch boards were assembled on a protoboard as a proof of concept. For the final project boards, the sensor board, communication board, and motor driver board was consolidated into one Rover Board. A PCB ematch board was designed. The final boards were also designed to be as small as possible. Complete Eagle Board and Schematic Files are included below.

    Prototype Boards Final Boards

Complete Code Listing