Final Project Materials

Comprehensive Overview of All Work Done

Final Report and Presentation

Final report that provides a comprehensive overview of all work done for the project. It explains our design process and explains key decisions made along the way, as well as recommendations for how to improve upon the project in the future.

Supplemental Materials

  • Complete Code Listing

    Zip files of all final code developed for this project, organized by subsystem. The WIP Code folder consists of code that was not tested on the fully integrated system, but is likely to help with progress in completing the design. The Vehicle Transmit Code without Sensors folder contains code for the Vehicle board that sends dummy data instead of sensor readings.

  • PCB Schematics and Design Files

    Zip file of Schematics and Eagle files for all versions of all PCBs that were designed. This includes custom parts libraries that were created in order to use some components.

  • Datasheets

    Zip file of many important datasheets for components used in the project

  • Antenna HFSS Files

    Zip file of HFSS files for the various antenna designs that were created.

  • ADF7030-1 Design Package

    Zip file of many documents used as part of the design of the Transceiver Board. This includes the ADF7030-1 documentation, evaluation software, information about the evaluation boards, and firmware modules.

  • Launch Data

    Zip file of data logs recorded during integration testing for both the Full Scale Launch test and the Telemtry Range Test.

  • Transceiver Board Design Documents

    Zip file of various reference documents regarding the design of the Transceiver Board, including images of the board layout for all layers, the board stackup properties, and power amp matching network documentation.